2017/09/21 16:43:06
Hunt #2
( another memorable day)
Got in my spot at o dark 30 and waited in a stiff wind.
Hurricane remnants off the coast and I'm about on the Ct/ RI border along the coast line.
Very overcast and tree tops whipping.
Nothing moving.
Looked down at my bow about 10 am for some reason ( boredom) and noticed the string clean cut about halfway through.
Musta touched it with an arrowhead.
OOOPs -off to the shop.
Gotta order a new one in my antique size.
- that's that for a while.
2017/09/21 17:09:41
I passed a pretty darned nice 8 point last evening at 28 yards. Not sure I made the right decision on that one.............

I'm glad I'm a meat hunter

2017/09/22 07:21:15
I passed a pretty darned nice 8 point last evening at 28 yards. Not sure I made the right decision on that one.............

A wise person once wrote -- "Never pass on an animal on the first day that you would take on the last day."
2017/09/22 18:02:51
I passed a pretty darned nice 8 point last evening at 28 yards. Not sure I made the right decision on that one.............

Can't eat the horns, but its been extremely hot this week and I can say I don't know if I'd want to shoot one in this heat. Reguardless, hope you have another chance at a nice buck. One more week and ill be out joining the fun. Looks like the temps are supposed to cool down some. Looking forward to it 👍👍
2017/09/23 02:58:51
Big Tuna
Tough call,two of my son's friends tag out from the same tree while filming the hunt on Monday,big 9 and a high decent 7. It's hot and there's plenty of sick dying deer in my area. I've passed before and ended up eating crow. Perfect scenario hunt all of archery season and stick  a big one on the last day. lol I've killed a several in the first couple days of archery season,in their bachelor group and it was fun but sure missed not hunting the rut.
2017/09/23 08:46:46
Has the rut started yet???

2017/09/23 17:49:47
Big Tuna
Yea their locked down.
2017/09/25 13:43:20
Yep, locked down in the AC....

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