I know that this is an old post, but I had to comment on this. I recently experienced this issue with two of my GX2 rods, and when I brought the issue to the attention of a sports fishing group on FB, quite a few people have never seen this issue either. I use braids on all of my rods. I have two $15 Telespeed rods, one $17 Tiger rod, one Tide Water, one Big Water and then two GX2 rods (1 for me and 1 for my lady). My Telespeed and Tiger rods were purchased from Walmart waaay before the GX2 rods and do not have any cuts in the guides from braid. I fish all of these rods in both fresh and salt water most from piers. It turns out that the guides on the GX2 may have declined in quality, as stated by someone who saw my photos. I saw a few responses in relation to people hooking their hook on the guides. I do not do that. I also do not lay my rods on the floor / sand, nor do I fish them in any silt. These cuts are clearly from braid. This also has nothing to do with 4 strand vs 8 strand braid. Only my Tide Water and Big Water rods use 8 strand. If this was a 4 vs 8 strand issue, then the cheap Walmart rods would be cut.