Just my 2 cents...I used to build/repair custom fishing rods. The only guides I ever saw get cuts in them where the old style chrome, stainless and even carbide(the hardest at the time.) Without fail it was the tip which was the most damaged as it is, by design, the guide which has the highest percent of contact with the line. Also, hooks will often damage guides or inserts and should NEVER be hooked through guides. Interestingly enough, this was all with MONO. When the newer "ceramic" guides(used generically to cover all of the new harder synthetic guides) came on the market, line cuts went to zero; biggest problem at that time was insert cracking. Then along came superlines. I have personally been using spider wire since it came on the market(along with Gorilla Braid, Suffix, Tuff Line, etc) and have seen line cutting with guides of all types go back to zero. That being said, I must agree that if the line is fished in silty water, there is a good chance of abrasive cutting. I am fastidious about cleaning my equipment after use and have seen no cutting on any of my equipment over the years. Side note: Inmates in prison sometimes are refused dental floss because they can use it with an abrasive(usually toothpaste) to cut through mild steel bars. No kidding, my brother was a C.O. Sooooo...if you read this far, other than maybe learning a fact about prison life, I just reiterated what B.A., FishinGuy and eyesandgillz said...lol!