2016/07/01 08:29:09
Over the years we sometimes run into odd or strange issues while outdoors. I've had a few but this one was unique and funny. While fishing on Shenango River a few years back I had something pulling on the back of my fishing vest while wading and casting. When I turned and looked I saw nothing at first, then as it started again I discovered a wild hen Wood Duck swimming behind me.
For some reason she was interested in tugging on the back of my vest in a friendly manner. As I moved down river she followed and continued swimming around me. It's like she wanted me to toss her some food or something. She just enjoyed tugging on my vest !
This was not a busy area on the river and wild ducks especially Wood Ducks are usually very shy and avoid humans highly ! Most times they fly away within eyesight of you.
She hung around for about 20 minutes or so then went on about her way. I did manage to get my camera out and snap a few of her swimming behind me tugging away !
Feel free to share any other outdoor oddities !  

2016/07/01 11:51:14
I caught a pair of red panties while dragging bottom with a swimbait in the Ohio River.
2016/07/01 12:06:08
I was fishing the Allegheny at Harmarville using a Countdown Rapala. It was in the fall and all I was bringing to the net were leaves. I felt the familiar tug and reeled quickly to remove more weeds. Surprise surprise, an Allegheny white fish. I put the needle nose to work and yanked it off the back treble. Sort of funny in a way!
2016/07/01 12:24:20
A few years back I fished a farm pond and noticed that there were about a dozen or so bass kinda looking at me. I moved along the shoreline and noticed the bass were there again. At this point I purposefully walked the shore and, indeed, the bass were following me. I later found out that the landowner's son was working construction at Raccoon park and would set a minnow trap while he was at work and bring them home and put them in the pond...apparently the bass became trained/conditioned.
2016/07/01 13:02:25
I've posted this one before . Elk Creek fishing, my buddy gets company !

2016/07/01 18:41:37
good posts!!!
2016/07/02 13:21:25
I was fishing Raystown Lake when it was filling up. No boats were permitted, so I was wading the shoreline. I saw a bass in the reeds and cast to it. The inline spinner I was using came right in front of the fish and the line came tight. Fighting the fish, it appeared that the spinner was outside of its mouth.

It looked that way because it was. Someone had caught the fish on a snelled hook and released it when it swallowed the bait, but leaving the loop. The spinner was hooked in the loop, not the fish.
2016/07/03 13:28:04
Have a nice and safe 4th !

2016/07/10 08:38:30
Walleye jigs
I lived in Florida most of the 70s and hooked on Pier fishing and you have not caught anything till you have a seagull snatch your bait in the air and hook his beak! You're trying to bring the bird in without harming it or getting yourself torn to shreds with a **** female tourist screaming at you to cut the line and not hurt the bird.
2016/07/10 12:50:46
WJ I hooked a stork one time on a pier, luckily some savvy  local young fishermen helped me unhook and release it.
These youngsters fished and roamed the pier during the day catching and asking others for rough fish caught so they had shark bait at night. I had too much social obligations at night to join them, however every morning they would relate  their adventures from the evening before. They had a big shark on the pier one evening however it thrashed until it regained its freedom. Had I been 12 to 14 years old  I would have been right with them. Who am I kidding I am 64 yrs old and I would still have a great time joining them.

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