2015/01/14 19:43:04
Mid-Feb. my wife is taking a 3 day seminar in some Syracuse hotel.  I get to stay for free, so I guess I'll get some quality time on the river. She'll be in the seminar, basically all the hours of daylight, so I should get some quality time in. I hope there's something to be fished for, not many reports lately. I'll let you locals know, maybe one of you can sneak away for a few hours. I just got an awesome new digital camera (Pentax WG3)  for a ridiculous price  from a guide friend from Tenn. , can't wait to try it out on some river in the snow shots. 
2015/01/14 20:18:46
hot tuna
Good luck Charlie . I liked those freebie fishin trips my wife had too.. She worked , I fished .. Lol
Any chance it's a jail water hotel, mine were. Nice art and expensive food , at least Those were .We liked Dinosaurs bbq when there was an artist playing.
Word up on that 81, it can be white knuckle ..
Hope you get into some fish and enjoy the time
2015/01/15 06:14:48
I imagine this one might be a little more  downscale, if it's a Jailwater I might have to boycott...  Now, if it was in Altmar.....
2015/01/15 09:05:40
Charlie pm me your dates. With this much advanced notice I should be able to swing a few with you one of the days
2015/01/15 13:00:18
Good for you Charlie.
I had the good fortune of attending a work related seminar in Lake Placid mid May a few years back.  I managed to sneak out the door every afternoon around 2 PM to catch the Hendrickson hatch. 
2015/01/15 16:49:44
Charlie let me know, by then I'll be done with the crazy 80+ hour work week crap
2015/01/15 17:32:39
Will do on all counts.  I found out it was at the end, not the middle of the month so I probably will come out before for a short stay  if conditions look decent. Be great to fish with you Andy and catch up, the same for Wayne. I appreciate the hours you guys put in for your families. No one on earth works harder than the American family man. Women, too, but not many  working out in the below zero, or putting in back to back 16 hr days.
2015/01/15 19:09:30
Clint S
Keep me in the loop too.
2015/01/17 10:34:53

2015/01/17 12:07:08
Not being a dead head, I'm not sure of the inference. I guess the title says it all.

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