L-13 gave good info. I really know nothing about the finger lakes. For the big lakes we fish for them , Otsego , schroon and lake George , we start in areas they frequent in the fall. They usually spawn in November . Generally a bit shallower (45-65) fow near an outlet area. That said , its only a starting point and lakers can be anywhere now as the smelt are moving around and then congregate near inlets closer to spring ( march- April )
I have always been a tip up guy until I got electronics .
For tip ups I would put a 1/2 & 1/2 mix out.
Small- med suckers right on or near bottom. Don't be afraid to step on one or 2 and smush its guts out then drop it down.
The other 1/2 I would set emeralds out 25 ' down. We can't use smelt on LG but if you catch some and can use them by all means do..
As for jigging. Heavy jigs 3/8 to 1 oz. I like buck tails, Swedish pimples , buckshots and the such, even have good luck with 3 & 4" gulp smelt on a jig head.
I generally always tip my spoons and jigs with a fathead or a 2" gulp smelt.
Start by pounding the bottom, stir it up to draw attention.
If using electronics and you mark fish the get them to chase the lure by reeling it up fast away from them.
I have had fish follow from 100' all the way to see them hit just before the hole. Also had them follow and watch through the hole as 4 swam around the lure and just bump it with their nose then swim back down. Exhilarating indeed !!
Good luck and from what L-13 said about the finger lakes , be safe !!
Db ,get your boots ready. My buddy told me to bring a clicker ( counter )