I was surveyed 3 times when I returned to Mexico port so I do know they were out. At least at the Mexico port in the August month the catch rates reported were dismal .
I know little about the western basin but from reading lake forums and charter reports the catch rate in the spring was good for Juvenile salmon, as I hear it always is there at that time. Once mid June and July rolled around the reports from that ( western basin ) was still the same and spreading to the east ( Oswego ) area. Lots of juvenile salmon, to the point captains were getting worried about next years class.
Most at that time switched to trout/ lakers.
That's the only reason I said that the data may be skewed.
Catches were good, mature salmon were not., hence " I " said we will have to wait and see what happens in the river to determine .
Is this due to the late arrival of salmon ? Possibly , you guys fished the river , I did not. I can say it seemed poor from a trib anglers perspective in forums .
Thanks for taking the time to provide the info L-13
The survey only asked if we caught fish, species , port and hrs / days fishing