2015/03/22 11:27:38
I know there's that whole money side jack. I do know that the wild steelhead population study has not been concluded yet though. And also would hate to see 3 and 4 year steelhead populations diminished. We finally have some good sized fish. At the rate we're going, drop back success rate will be very low!
2015/03/22 12:02:27
I understand your concern Andy but money trumps all and that's what it's all about.
2015/03/22 12:24:33
Clint S
Thing that bothers me is they could cut the conga line down by just policing the area. One officer could write tickets all day. Put a camera on the bridge and check it remotely if you see wrong doing go up and write the tickets. I know their spread thin and have lives and families, but a surcharge that goes directly to pay the salary of the officer would  fund it. There are many posts on Facebook and such telling of groups at the bridge bringing in fish by the tail and getting pic's and such. Just sit a guy there all day and write tickets for mishandling and snagging.
2015/03/22 12:54:53
Clint S
Thing that bothers me is they could cut the conga line down by just policing the area. One officer could write tickets all day. Put a camera on the bridge and check it remotely if you see wrong doing go up and write the tickets. I know their spread thin and have lives and families, but a surcharge that goes directly to pay the salary of the officer would  fund it. There are many posts on Facebook and such telling of groups at the bridge bringing in fish by the tail and getting pic's and such. Just sit a guy there all day and write tickets for mishandling and snagging.

I've been saying that for years and it falls on deaf ears,I guess even the snaggers money is coveted.
2015/03/22 13:03:16
You're right clint. Just a little enforcement would go a long way. I hope Atlantic's start taking off better and also hope a minimum of 20% wild steelhead population is proven. Coupled with the wild Chinook and coho; it would be a good clutch to enforce stricter regulations from Ellis cove and up. Wild returns are a natural phenomenon. Why not take efforts to preserve? I think we've all learned the hard way through out the history of this country: anything in practiced in excess amounts eventually degrades. Put and take or not... "I" (opinion only) think things should change.
2015/03/22 15:44:40
At the end of the day  its a put and take fishery designed and maintained to produce an economy, as well as sporting opportunity,  in a distressed area.
Similar in all the Great Lakes, therefore despite some 'natural' spawn the stocking maintains the  numbers to provide the initial, and lasting, purpose.
Nobodys gonna stop fishing in the SR because of this issue just the way nobody stopped it in the other lakes when they had-and still have- similar issues. Our Lake just got it last.
Grouse  about it we will, but it will continue--and I, for one, agree it should.
I may well agree that enforcement is too minimal, however it wont stop the madness nor change the culture by itself. Many ,through things like this Forum, have changed--I did- but some will never do so.
Blaze away----------------
2015/03/22 16:28:37
The state needs to WANT to stop the snagging/lifting for anything to change.They need to state it in their publicity that they are going to strictly enforce the rules and increase the fines so that it hurts when they write a ticket.They should make it apparent that they are doing so by loading a bus full of snaggers and make a show of it by taking them to a local judge and fine them on the spot.Do that a couple times and the word will spread and the snaggers will either change or stay home.But I know this will never happen as the state does n't really want it to happen.
2015/03/22 18:24:41
2015/03/22 19:13:20
hot tuna
While I agree on the put & take fishery,,, Remember, It was for the Lake, the tribs were bonus..
Now the tribs have (may) surpassed the concept of the Lake fishery.. Aka. The Lake Charter association had the majority voice at SOL meetings.. It's much more vocal from the Trib side now..
I think some major changes are in store for the tribs come next fall..
As for Atlantics , geesh.. If the steelhead are suffering from the alewife diet I couldn't imagine the Atlantics doing better..
Real problem in my eyes is its a super abused tributary fishery by many .. Too many for my liking in the past 10 years..    
2015/03/22 20:34:12
The atlantic catch is still measured in the hundreds.  But if there is more thiaminase in the alewifes, all alewife eaters are affected, maybe not as catastrophically as is happening with the steelhead, but condition and maybe survival out in the lake, is still affected.  Even the biologists are not happy at the prospects, or at least expressed the possibility of continued problems,  after a second  bad winter putting heavy stress on the alewife population.

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