2016/08/30 20:53:32
Old Dog, didn't like Pogo's too much but had a double major in pinball and foosball at Tony's Hideaway
2016/08/30 22:14:10
More good old memories....Ohio Milk Barn ! This is the 70's flashback......
At 18 years old I took my cousin from Pittsburgh "over the Hill" as we called it. He couldn't believe you drive in, roll your window down and ask for a six pack and smokes. The guy hands you a brown bag with your order and takes your money. As you pull away your hoping you don't see a red cap on the beer top (3.2) Most of the time if there was not a lot of traffic backed up he gave us the good beer but he always said don't crack these open till your back in Pa. !  LMAO
Thanks for the memories Opsman !   
2016/08/31 16:55:54
  I shouldn't get started on this new line of old escapades.
  Anyway, a friend and I while still in high school used to drink in a bar in Plum outside of Pittsburgh. Well we were sitting in there one evening with the regulars and the owner and we made a big blunder, alcohol was definitely a factor. Well one of us asked the other if they were going to the prom and we proceed to converse at length on the subject. Then we realize the owner bartender is looking right at us and has heard the whole conversation. Why not we were just gabbing away like so many other nights in there. Well the owner looks at us and we wake up to the big question. How old are you guys? Well we have been drinking in there for months and he has even bought us rounds, so we were beyond lying now. Seventeen and eighteen we said. We lost our watering hole but not our friend. We were up to no good about a year latter and stopped in an all night dinner,  and there was the owner of the bar. We had a short how-do with him and got a couple meals. When we went  to leave the waitress said the fella that we had talked to earlier and left had paid our tab.
  Once again it wouldn't have played out like that today.
2016/08/31 23:13:16
That's a good one ! Got one somewhat similar. We had a old neighborhood bar that pretty much served us beers illegally at night since most of us were in that 18-20 age group. We'll the word must have spread around town that they were serving minors. Well as we are sitting one night sipping some suds in walks a young kid probably about 14 years old at most. He sits up at the bar and ask for a draft beer. We all just look at each other in disbelief and kind of start laughing. The bar tender walks over with glass of beer and sets in down in front of him! The kid pulls out about .50 cents mostly pennies and lays it out on the bar. He sips the beer for about 15 minutes and gone ! LMAO.....
I've seen it all !   
2016/09/01 10:35:02
    I feel for kids today. They get arrested in school all the time, and I saw that first hand as I sub that taught for ~8 years.  There is no tolerance for much of anything in their world, and yet look what they are dealing with at a young age. Heroin is probably easier to get than booze and from what I have heard as easy to get as pot and less expensive. The sexual images and culture on the screens is always in their face.
   I was too busy hunting and fishing and chasing the gals in my youth. A fight in school did not lead to the police station and a police record. There are positives as the initiatives against bullying is a good thing. The majority of our youth are great and I thoroughly enjoyed working with them. When I see some of them getting in trouble it pains me and I realize the lost opportunities that follow the felonies. One youth I know was caught twice drinking and now has a felony for life. The second time was one beer and he was almost 21. We sure are putting chain and balls on so many.
   I am not advocating no penalties for mischief. In my youth I was guilty of much drinking and driving and was fortunate I never was caught or caused an accident or worse. I now am a believer in keeping the steering wheel and the bottle separate. 
2016/09/01 12:51:47
What I get a kick out of today is how many cars are at the high schools today ! The lots are full and the buses are empty. I wish we had a bus in our day, at least in Winter!
No we didn't walk up hill both ways just hiked about one mile or so one way. Not too many fat kids in those days. We all walked about a mile to our local swamp to fish after school too!
2016/09/01 14:13:06
Yea Old Dog, I left for basic training a week before Woodstock. Would have loved to have been there.
2016/09/13 23:01:56
don't know about that not so long ago part!!!
2016/09/14 19:09:41
Rich ,wow that brought back some old memories ! 1975 great year.....that tackle box and those rods and reels were exactly what I owned back in the days. Life was simple then ....just like Bluegill fishing !   
2016/09/14 20:37:41
Take care Rich.  Glad I met you through this site.  I'll keep in touch, and you keep those North end memories alive, buddy!

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