2016/08/24 21:32:48
Once again we were heading to the Niagara River for a few days of shore fishing in early December.
It was about 10 am. when we got on I-79 at Mercer. All was good till we hit Meadville, then it was a white out and one lane of slow creeping snow traffic all the way to Edinboro. Accidents were everywhere !
We finally got to I-90 at about 1 pm. and it looked just as bad. We decided to keep going and take our chances, and after we got to where you hit the toll booths it was like a different world.
Roads were clear and hardly any snow ! Totally amazing !  
2016/08/25 10:44:50
Many years back my dad and I were on Arthur in our little johnboat crappie fishing.  Nice summer day.  Next we looked up there was a Terminator 2 storm headed for the lake.  We decided to run, and just about the time we pulled away from the launch it opened up.  The lake looked like a laser light show and it T-stormed so violently on the way home we could barely see.  I remember thinking I was glad we didn't try to duck under the bridge and ride it out.  
2016/08/27 14:59:54
So this one isn't so much weather related, but it was a very hot summer night.  Buddy and I decided to night fish for pike at Wilhelm.  Parked somewhere where we had to walk a distance through some fields to get to the bay we were targeting.  Fished til around 3am and decided to just lay down and wrap up in our "space blankets" and catch a few z's before hitting it hard again at the crack of dawn.
I remember waking and wondering why my friend had covered me with our mosquito netting during the snooze,  til I fully woke and realized it wasn't the netting that i felt but a whole lotta spiderwebs!  It wasn't quite daylight and I swung my flashlight to see the entire area, including the field we crossed, completely covered in webs and those nasty looking yellow and black spiders.  That was bad enough, but it really got interesting when I woke my friend up who happened to be deathly afraid of spiders!  It wasn't pretty
2016/08/27 15:01:24
Talk about being young and crazy about hunting or fishing !
I remember standing up at the Goose Blind Management Building at Pymatuning, waiting in line outside in freezing cold weather at 3am., waiting for the building to open up and draw a duck hunting area ! It usually didn't open till 5:30 am.
And there would be at least 50 or more guys standing with us.......insane !!!
I can't stand a 5 minute wait at Wal-Mart !
2016/08/27 15:07:00
Cap'n I bet I was in a few of those lines with you!  I can remember just before the drawing, "Good Morning gentlemen, it's five degrees outside and we have eleven blinds available this morning, good luck"  And if we didn't get lucky, we would haul**** through Linesville to area L, I believe it was, to duck hunt
2016/08/28 16:57:56
This also happened back in about 1970. My brother  his friend and I headed up to the Sinnemahoning area to trout fish. I recollect it being the second week of trout season. It was fair weather turning cold and toward evening it was bitter cold with snow. We brought a big piece of plastic for shelter. Well the industrious lads that we were we settled into one of the roadside CCC picnic areas. The log shelter had a fireplace that we gathered all the picnic tables and built a wall  around the fireplace and pulled the VW inside. Well with a roaring blaze and the VW stereo music playing, and us all snuggled in, along comes Mr. Ranger. The good sign was his chuckling.  After visiting and commenting on our resourcefulness he asked us for one promise. Please next morning place the picnic tables all back to their assigned places ( they were the big heavy oak ones).
   How do you think that would play out today.
2016/08/28 20:56:05
Rick that spider story still has me laughing !
I got a spider story too.
We were night fishing along Shenango Lake shores when a huge water spider showed up slowly disappearing into the roots along shore. We'll my boy isn't fond of spiders especially large ones. Later on as he was bent over digging through his fishing vest on the ground I grabbed my extra rod and just barely brushed it across his back while yelling at him
" That huge spider is on your back " ! Well he started running along the shoreline while stripping off his T shirt and screaming where's he at !  Man, I know I was wrong but I couldn't resist or stop laughing for 10 minutes ! Yea.....the good old fishing nights .
2016/08/29 00:22:26
When I was about 18 years old a friend and I headed for Canada with my younger brother (~13 yr old) and his friend same age. Could you imagine crossing the border today like that. These were the years my brother and I guided and worked in Canada without even thinking we were doing anything wrong.
  Well on this particular trip we camped on an island about 7 miles south of a little town on Georgian Bay. Fishing was fantastic and we hadn't A CARE IN THE WORLD. We brought beans, potatoes, and onions to compliment the fish. Life was good.
  Enter Hurricane Agness, and three days confined to the inside of the tent. Horizontal rain and sleet, and wind that wanted our tent. We were in a great spot and never got water under our tent and we anchored the tent well. We spend much of our time for those two days of intense storm lying in our sleeping bags and betting on which fly would cross a sew seam first. Of course the fly's were as lethargic as us and races lasted hours. Jimmy the Greek would have been proud of us.   

 The day Agness hit I was down the Allegheny up from the Hulton bridge a bit. Stuck it out a little too long & after climbing the 30 or so steps up the bank thought somebody was throwing rocks at me. The biggest sized hail I've ever seen filled the skys, had to hide under a truck for some time before it was a little safer to run home.
  Caught a 22" L/M a few min. before Agness hit, biggest I ever caught from the river to date. My fishin'was ruined for the rest ov that summer for the river.
2016/08/30 16:32:25
Lol  3.2 Stroh's red cap.  7.0 gold cap  God Bless the Milk Barn drive thru
2016/08/30 17:42:12
Old Dog, I got discharged a month before Agnes hit. I remember it quite well. I was getting buzzed, but not on 3.2 beer !!!

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