2016/08/23 22:05:12
old dog
r2, i've made many the white knuckle trip through the snow belt after a day of fishing.  i did it in the days of rear wheel drive cars too.  not something i am looking forward to redoing.

My wife went to college at Gannon, and For 2 years I made the 2.5 hour drive from the Pittsburgh suburbs in my Chevy Caprice in all kinds of weather.

She likes to remind me once in awhile that I'd drive through anything to see her in Erie, but now I drive through anything to go to Erie to get away from her.
2016/08/24 00:25:29
Rear wheel drive cars, rubber chest waders , army coats  ? 
Now were talking 60's and 70's .....got to love it !
No cell phones , GPS's, internet, and no weather channels ...how did we make it ?  LOL.....
Great stories .......keep them going !
2016/08/24 07:47:38
Ahhh yes, hurricane Agness. My cousin and I thought what with the rain coming down, it was the perfect time to do the fishing trip for trout we planned. We got our worms and spinners, poles and all and parked one car at the Tryonville bridge, then drove to Centerville and began the trip down stream Oil Creek. At about halfway and the point of no return, Oil Creek began to become a raging river. I had on a pair of those Korean hip boots. I wear size 12 boots, but evidently Koreans idea of size 12 is more like a narrow 10. We soon forgot about fishing and it became a survival hike through dense brush. We made it, sore feet and all. That storm changed the landscape and course of many waterways for years to come. 
2016/08/24 08:37:09
Fishing bad weather good weather it matters not; for when it comes to catching, it's fishing with me you do not want. ~BTDT said that.~
Capt. congrats on your thread, some fun reading, memories too. 
2016/08/24 11:15:39
Walleye jigs
I got you all beat! I went fishing once when my cable and internet was out!
2016/08/24 13:24:28
This one time I went fishing with a crazy old coot up at Shenango, and when we got to the launches there were no LAUNCHES.  I fell out of the boat trying to get my manatee-frame up over the boat rail and soaked my left leg.  Then I froze all day.  
2016/08/24 14:50:09
That old coot sounds familiar !
Talk about bad fishing fogs. We were on Shenango at daylight one Spring and seen a fairly thick fog across the lake. As we started into the thick mist I noticed several dark shadows moving across the surface. I told my buddy to slow it down there are some geese just ahead moving kind of slow. As we approached them it became clearer that the two shadows were deer swimming out in the middle of the lake ! Who would ever think you can collide with deer in a boat !
2016/08/24 16:39:58
One of my more recent fishing adventure blunders was this past June 6. Sever thunder storms were forecast for Girard and McKean up north towards Erie. My son, grand daughter and I decided to set out to Canadohta Lk. to troll for walleye. The storms up north were visible and it was clear at the lake. We launched and headed halfway down the lake when I noticed we were beginning to be surrounded by green looking clouds. Just as I mentioned it, my sons phone began sending a weather warning that a tornado was imminent in our area. It wasn't kidding, and just as we got back to the launch, there was a rotating wall cloud looming just over the trees and over us. The wind picked up and hail started pelting us. Grand daughter made it to the truck, and that's when this old guy found out he could not run to save his life. My son tied the boat to the ramp and passed me to the truck, I made it finally, and we got out of dodge quickly. Thank goodness it did not set down on us and I feared for all of our lives that day. It did set down in Warren county and did some damage. It was rated a F-1 90 mph winds. Not a fun ride in a 16' aluminum boat. No more bad weather days for me...
2016/08/24 17:18:24
I had a similar situation 2-3 years ago on Arthur.  The winds picked up like crazy and rain started coming down.  So we pulled off of the lake, to the closest refuge, which happened to be the boat rental marina.  We then hear the wind wiping through the trees, and could have sworn it was the "locomotive sound" that tornadoes supposedly make.  The clouds were rotating, but no funnel cloud.  The boat rental place was all locked up.  We were very close to tossing a fire extinguisher through the window to get inside.  Within 15 minutes, it rolled out.  Not sure if it formed an actual tornado further away.
I was also out at Lock 3 fishing when that micro burst that came through and killed a woman at Kennywood.  Right before it came through, the fish turned on like crazy.  My buddy and I were wading and couldn't stop fishing, because the catching was too good...  Eventually the lightning and rain were too much.  We ended up riding out the storm in a car.  The traffic getting home was horrendous, with so many tree limbs on the roads.
2016/08/24 17:24:18
This one time I went fishing with a crazy old coot up at Shenango, and when we got to the launches there were no LAUNCHES.  I fell out of the boat trying to get my manatee-frame up over the boat rail and soaked my left leg.  Then I froze all day.  

OMG that's sooo funny...........  I almost felt bad too!

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