2015/05/21 17:58:39
Although some in state plates along with guides posting pics of late may skipper steelhead and skinny dropbacks, along with pennsy, Vermont and Connecticut and massachussetes plates... Everyone just stay home or fish somewhere else already... Out of state plates and fishers pounding the lower town of Pulaski pools this time of year is ridiculous... There's my vent... Its all out now...lol...
2015/05/21 21:34:52
Glad I stayed away from the river the past couple of days--- lol.
2015/05/21 22:01:07
Trev it was one thing when it was a mystery, and a semi secret... But Facebook posts of skipper steelhead being caught followed by out of state plates later in the day at the same spot is just ridiculous. If you're gonna do it, then fine, but don't exploit it for focks sake... Who wants to bet the tall bridge will have atleast 5 vehicles parked at it this coming Saturday... Luckily this cold front should bring em out to the lake for good ;)
2015/05/22 06:29:44
The Snagger's SR FB page has what, close to 3,000 members? They all seem to be pretty  much committed to anytime, anywhere. It has the most activity by far of any of the posts I see. A few of my music friends post a lot of links, but the SR sheet is relentless. I'm sure their private pages are more of the same. I imagine there's some heavily traveled Spey pages.  Some down years aside, I think the coming seasons will have even more traffic than last and piles more of garbage and snagging from Spey to  White pole wonders.  Cheaper gas and a little higher wages and market index gonna poke it up a bit. I expected no less after seeing how many people hauled in heaters and chairs  in the dark to the Church Pool when it was below zero. Or below the bridge.  Nancy is pushing for a fall vacation in Montauk, camping in the sand and  catching the run off the point. She is some tired of bad camping, bad food and bad manners. If it wasn't for the good guys I fish with here, I'd bag it this fall. It was close to reservations only,  some weekends this winter. Uh, I think the secret's out.
2015/05/22 08:38:27
Fall is the toughest and always has been. Its the late fall and winter months that are really disappointing for sure. But now late may and early June are falling in to exploitation. Very sad. Me, I like the countryside and its people from this area way more than the salmonoids these days. After 26 seasons, the last 13 of them have brought me to that conclusion. Fichy, I know your passion for fishing and something tells me you still have a trip or two each year in ya :)
2015/05/22 08:51:37
Gonna double post here... Also it seems to be apparent that many fisherman want strip clubs to come to the area... as of they are entitled to have every vice at their fingertips when visiting the area...Its as if fishing has completely turned in to a jock sport. Fisherman always had an image from what I can remember. And it was usually an original, unique image.... Now around here that image has been eaten up and turned way beyond a fad... Its not an image I choose to fall in to. Not saying I don't/won't fish anymore, just not taking part in the jock movement of disrespectful a-holes that make fun of this town and its men and women that reside here. Its a flat out disgrace to humanity to hear and read some of the crap that people say... OK done venting now... Sorry!!! Lol!!!
2015/05/22 09:00:40
     It makes it rough to go like you said Charlie but I think we all try to forget the bad experiences and just remember the good ones. I have had so much fun fishing the area I will continue to go till the bad things completely over run the good. There has been many days I have had more fun and not even had a bite then days hooking up all day.
2015/05/22 09:46:19
hot tuna
hence the reason I gave up guiding and bought a bigger boat :)..
Made only 1 trip to the SR last season and was very disappointed I didn't get to fish with Jack..
I will try my best to make that time this season and most likely will be my only river trip..
Not that I don't like fishing there, I too am tired of the antics .. My best fishing trip of the fall last season was on the Ausable, another popular fishing destination but a totally different vibe.. Besides, there usually is nobody around in the fall up there anyway, well besides leaf peepers and hikers..
2015/05/22 10:07:14
   Tuna actually headed to a friends camp their for some fishing over the weekend he's in Wilmington. Never fished there but raring to go.
2015/05/22 10:18:06
hot tuna
   Tuna actually headed to a friends camp their for some fishing over the weekend he's in Wilmington. Never fished there but raring to go.

The river was stocked earlier this week . They do put a large amount of 2 year olds in as well as thousands and thousands of standards.. It will be a bit tough keeping them off the hook and getting a large holdover but fun none the less..
If you just want to catch a bunch of fish, toss a f-7 or fj-7 gold/black rapala on an ultra light and rip it erratically through the water, kinda like a snagger (lol) and you will clean up..
I would expect the river will be very crowded as it's a holiday weekend and mostly the biggest of the season but don't be afraid to fight your way through the brush as far from the road as you can and find a nice deep hole on a bend .. that's where the bigguns hide :)..

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