Never used smallies for bait.

If that were me, the bail would have been closed and the ending would have been inadvertently fishing legal with the tomato stake. I had one of those! I think it was 50 cents in a flea market.
I've had 2 rods go in the drink (oddly, not while drinking) both when young and using the ol' forked stick. Both got retrieved via swimming. One had a trout attached, the other a big bullhead. Pike will hit small flies, as I've hooked some using black buggers in early spring before the weeds grow in. I was targetting largemouth that feed on dragonfly nymphs heavily, then. I walked into a big pool on a Hudson trib yesterday that holds pike, but it was F'in cold with the wind and I would have to negotiate some ice banks to get to the water. Can't take the cold mentally at this point. If I hear below normal one more time I'm gonna lose it.