Lets get back to fishing---this other stuff is usually reserved for Summer when we are chomping for a new season.
This unusual season has generally ended cept for the typical Steel fishing so lets reflect on what happened.
IMHO the season was VERY late and Kings came in slow with no big pushes or decent pods from where I was ( and I was up and moving a LOT)
Cookie cutter Hos were OK for a while and seemed to drop off and Steel from 14 inches up to the teens were in pretty good for a while and have dropped off into a normal routine. Browns were here and there but not in big numbers.
Generally however, the season was somewhat late and NOT all that impressive even though enough seemed to have made it up to the hatchery.
Seemed to be only a couple of weeks where a few Kings along with nice numbers of Steel and Hos were around.
Even then moving Kings only seemed to be ones and twos.
Kings were real late and ended pretty quick- my favored November was generally a skunk.
Hos came in nice but generally disappeared quick too.
Looked to me like fish liked the water levels and shot up pretty fast as very fresh fish were readily found upriver for the short run.
Seems to me if it was like this all the time the river may loose its appeal to many- folks were here for their one or two annual trips to find no fish at all running in normal times.
Those of us lucky enough to be around a lot did Ok but John Q generally got a little stiffed this season.
What the heck happened ?????
Open to any theory or fact based ideas.