2015/08/22 20:25:02
T/S or Hurricane Danny might bring a good soaker our way.  We should know by next weekend whether it will be a hit or miss.
2015/08/23 08:12:32
Clint S

Probably tried to type Douglaston. Phones are hard to type on 

Stupid spell check... Probably left the g out on accident but yes Douglaston :)
2015/08/24 20:42:07
The SRR is low. The boat launch at Jackson Rd is exposed completely with 20+ feet til the water starts. Been that way since July when they let 750 cfs out a couple of weekends. LHH always looks about normal however. Makes me mad, however bc my wife and I bought a run a bout 15' Starcraft and I was just getting good with launching! Haven't had it out again since July...I'll forget how to maneuver the bloody trailer! It did force me to learn the Spey credo, "the swing is the thing, but the tug is the drug!" Fished the UFZ hard in August...just smallies and chubs. Thanks to Ken (and Emily), I now have a respectable Snap T and Single Spey. Looking forward to swinging in a river with fish!
2015/08/24 21:22:04
 5 years ago in the upper I hooked a skam on an orange comet at the end of August. Got a couple of jumps. Swinging flies is fun, and i do it when I can , but I try to let other people fish the way they want to and fish in close to allow it. I have no problem sending casts to the far bank and working 90' of line, but not when there's people nymphing below me. 2 Spey guys can't expect  to rotate when there's a dozen fishing the seam in front of their faces.   It's also bogus to rip the heck out of the water in the tail of a pool and send every fish that is trying to transition into it running for the hills. End of rant. With this low water going into the fall, I'm afraid  the lack of water will put more concentrations of people in conflict.  We'll see.  I'm just hoping for more water in late Nov. Dec. and some early snows to keep the walk in spots a little harder to get to.
2015/08/25 12:59:25
Never understood where and how frothing the water became mandatory with spey and switch rods??? I try to keep the line as light on the water with both my d loop and forward roll.
2015/08/25 18:18:02
I agree. I was a one trick pony using a single Spey which really doesn't disturb the water at all. I forced myself to practice the Snap T to look cool;) I will say that the Snap T works better when the flow is right to left, otherwise the single Spey gets 're done. You're right Fichy, when things get tight, I'll just walk to get some room. Last year, before I bought my 2-handed rod, I shared a small portion of a stretch of the SR at Pineville with a younger guy. I didn't crowd him and he didn't swing below me. We exchanged courtesies in the beginning and everybody had a good time. It can be done!
2015/08/25 20:13:33
Being aware of surroundings is key. I built my first two handed rod in 99/2k... Sometime around there. Shared plenty of water amongst other two handers or singles with no problems. Courtesy and experience both go a long way. Yuk bug: try switching up your hands on your cork when downstream contradicts your comfort level. Its easier than you may think. As for frothing the water, I try to lift my rod tip and pull up steam after my butt end is at surface. This allows a soft pull in which your butt falls just below you with little effort and little froth effect. Followed by down stream swoop, d loop... Forward roll and my line mostly stays on top of and out of the water 50% of the time. No froth at all...Hope this helps
2015/08/26 07:50:35
Low water could put the night runners that 2 bob and I found all over the place last October (and the hatchery managers found every AM in the raceway, guaranteeing sufficient egg take from the 2014-15 production) in jeopardy, and lead to petting zoo curtailment or who knows what other draconian restrictions to insure adequate egg bearing females reach the hatchery.  I also think it is time for this fantasy that NY nonresident fees are too high to come to an end; a friend just went up to the Georgian Bay for a week and an NR Tag there was 60 bucks, plus additional fees and method charges.  Check out prices for a week on the Gaspe or New Brunswick (where rotation is mandatory on many pools, mark my word, the Spey Nationals will have this in parts of SR yet), and also remember you have to have a guide in most of those places as an NR.  The "exalted one" changes the license process mid-year, and the conservation fund is in the hole again, with more money diverted to the general fund on the promise of greater sales that did not happen.  And if you need a new license, plan to buy it way before the old one expires as the DECALS system has been regularly crashing.  Up in the daks, three parties who wanted one day licenses got a system down message when I was in to get an annual for my daughter. Do you think they refrained from fishing for the day?  We changed our plans that day and got her the tag the next day, but that was possible money to the system that went out the window to a computer glitch.
All right, enough rant, off to work.
2015/08/26 10:14:27
hot tuna
It's about 5' lower then normal
2015/08/26 10:14:40
Lucky, I think the problem with the present Decals system has a lot to do with the new company.  NYSDEC has had problems since the "new" system (company) was implemented last year.  DEC promised the system was fixed but apparently not.  As a lifetime license holder I usually received my new license and tags in July, not the case the last two years.  Last year I didn't received my license/tags until the end of August well after they went on sale.  The same has happened this year.  I called NYSDEC this past Monday and was told there was a glitch in the system.  I was also told that the licenses/tags would be mailed shortly (within the next week) and that I could apply for DMU tags online or at a licensing agent without my new license.
Licensing agents need to have a fall back position of the old tried and true hand written license in the event the system is down.  In any event don't wait until you get into Pulaski to purchase a license.  Better to be safe than sorry especially if you run into an over zealous DEC officer who doesn't want to hear the "I have a note from my mother" excuse.

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