Low water could put the night runners that 2 bob and I found all over the place last October (and the hatchery managers found every AM in the raceway, guaranteeing sufficient egg take from the 2014-15 production) in jeopardy, and lead to petting zoo curtailment or who knows what other draconian restrictions to insure adequate egg bearing females reach the hatchery. I also think it is time for this fantasy that NY nonresident fees are too high to come to an end; a friend just went up to the Georgian Bay for a week and an NR Tag there was 60 bucks, plus additional fees and method charges. Check out prices for a week on the Gaspe or New Brunswick (where rotation is mandatory on many pools, mark my word, the Spey Nationals will have this in parts of SR yet), and also remember you have to have a guide in most of those places as an NR. The "exalted one" changes the license process mid-year, and the conservation fund is in the hole again, with more money diverted to the general fund on the promise of greater sales that did not happen. And if you need a new license, plan to buy it way before the old one expires as the DECALS system has been regularly crashing. Up in the daks, three parties who wanted one day licenses got a system down message when I was in to get an annual for my daughter. Do you think they refrained from fishing for the day? We changed our plans that day and got her the tag the next day, but that was possible money to the system that went out the window to a computer glitch.
All right, enough rant, off to work.