If the fish aren't hitting, and you are going to go fast, drop some streamers or mooselicks out in the wake, 10-20 feet behind the boat, I would never have believed in this technique had it not been suggested by Francis Betters, and it has payed off in spades while traveling from point a to point b in 'daks lakes on both rainbows and landlocks. Twice in the few times I've gone out offshore on the big pond, I've had the line torn out of my hand by surface wake thrashers while trying to set the rubber band on a slider rig. Both the bows and the atlantics like a faster speed, and I've had hits right up top just shy of planning. My son's best landlock (22") soaked me jumping right at the back of the boat, it hit so close to the boat.
When my wife and I first went to the Ausable area, everyone said Skin So Soft for black flies, and it is my experience that in cooler weather it works great at repelling them. Except there are not usually a lot of Black flies in cooler weather. The drawback with SSS is keeping it on; as soon as you start to perspire it comes off with the sweat, and if you are fishing, you don't notice the lack until you are half bled out. DEET sticks , but I always feel like I'm wearing a plastic bag, and as Fichy says, it will make mincemeat out of a flyline coating, or anything else plastic.
I recently bought a thermacell, but never got a chance to get up north to try it, and by the time I get going 8/1, black flies should be history. Device uses butane to heat a plate on which is placed a pad impregnated with some kind of repellent. Friends tell me it provides a 15 foot area of skeeter or black fly free space, said it was essential for spring turkey, but also reported that the northern Ontario Black flies didn't even notice it. My experience with Quebec black flies was take up corncob piping and aromatic tobacco, the cheaper the better. The locals used an old pump sprayer filled with Old woodsman mixed with white gas, definitely felt covered in Saran wrap after that. And ramps rubbed over all exposed skin works good, but you'll get thrown in the lake when you return if you are staying in a crowded campground, and if you are camping without access to showers, your spouse may make you buy a seperate tent.