2015/05/31 18:32:11
Clint S
So I lost all my crawlers I have Been collecting . They were in my cool basement in a five gallon bucket in bedding. Coffee grounds were added. Lost about 150. What happened?
2015/05/31 19:36:43
hot tuna
When I used to collect and store them we and most others I knew used one of those galvanized wash tubs. It gave lots of surface area for the crawlers.
Generally we would use topsoil, cut up news paper and a layer of grass on top. We always found them mostly hanging out under the layer of grass.
The one thing I remember is to check them often for dead worms. If there are dead ones , remove ASAP as it will cause many others very quickly .

I think the bucket is not providing enough surface area and they are getting to constricted for that many
2015/05/31 19:56:03
Clint S
Next batch will go into one of those large tubs
2015/05/31 20:04:24
hot tuna
Put a screen over the top to keep worms in and critters out
2015/05/31 20:17:11
Just like 'taters', if ya get a bad one it needs tossed.  Also, food source such as ground unsalted crackers or even a piece of stale bread.  Pour the now powered crackers in a line across the surface or just lay the bread on top.  Check every day or so and remove the uneaten portions as it will get moldy.  Feed every couple of days.
Don't forget moisture but do not let the water puddle at the bottom of your container.  Soil, shredded newspapers, and coffee grounds mixed, generally make for great worm bedding.  Paper from magazines etc. is not recommended as is newspapers having other than black ink.()
You will find instructions such as these included in any worm farm.
A ole buddy of mine would gently roll his bucket(s) on edge from time to time claiming the practice aerated the worms.  He also used an old refrigerator laid on it's back (with door removed) to keep crawlers in.
Dug em up using an old army backpack shovel.   
Paid the neighbor kids a $.75 a doz. when he needed to restock.  
2015/05/31 20:34:00
Oatmeal is a good feed & compost for your worm bed also.
2015/05/31 20:44:31
Geeez yeah.......... forgot about oatmeal!
2015/05/31 22:34:49
Clint when you get the bigger tub punch some SMALL holes in the bottom and it will drain,also set the tub on some 2 bys so it can drain easier.
2015/05/31 23:57:30
I used a small styrofoam cooler with shredded newspapers as bedding & food. Just keep the paper damp but not soggy. Every few days turn the pile upside down & put it back in the container,the healthy worms will go back to the bottom & the ones that stay on top get tossed. If you use coffee grounds only use a little as I think that they are too acidic & will kill the worms. Try to keep the container in a cool place with a lid on it,I had ants kill a bunch because the worms couldn't get away from them in the cooler. I was surprised at how fat & lively& clean the worms got using this method. If you want to save the leftover worms from a day on the water, be sure to lay them on top & get rid of any that don't look good the next day.  sam
2015/06/01 12:25:34
Way back in the day when I was a crawler fishing maniac(and my brother in laws mother owned a bait shop), we used to pick and keep lots of them. The best storage I have ever found are sweater containers(plastic containers with a lid) filled with buss bedding and stored in a basement refrigerator. You can put about 150 crawlers per container and keep them 4-6 weeks. Scale back on numbers if you want to keep them longer. I don't know if they still sell it, but you can buy worm food. It looks like fine sawdust but actually makes your worms hardier and healthier. It will also allow you to keep them much, much longer. When we would go off to camp, we had a hole dug in,our crawl space with a 5 gallon storage tote filled with buss bedding buried in it. Cheap free refrigeration. I know they will last all summer in there. Keep the lid on. In both cases, the lids need to have a few air holes in them.

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