Just like 'taters', if ya get a bad one it needs tossed. Also, food source such as ground unsalted crackers or even a piece of stale bread. Pour the now powered crackers in a line across the surface or just lay the bread on top. Check every day or so and remove the uneaten portions as it will get moldy. Feed every couple of days.
Don't forget moisture but do not let the water puddle at the bottom of your container. Soil, shredded newspapers, and coffee grounds mixed, generally make for great worm bedding. Paper from magazines etc. is not recommended as is newspapers having other than black ink.(
You will find instructions such as these included in any worm farm.
A ole buddy of mine would gently roll his bucket(s) on edge from time to time claiming the practice aerated the worms. He also used an old refrigerator laid on it's back (with door removed) to keep crawlers in.
Dug em up using an old army backpack shovel.
Paid the neighbor kids a $.75 a doz. when he needed to restock.