2014/08/29 22:22:39
Clint S
Nope the letter clearly states that most cervical fusions are outpatient procedures and because my condition after surgery was good there was no medical reason for me to stay. No need for the IV antibiotics, to stave off infection, no need to monitor for bloodclots going into my lungs(which almost always happen within 24 hours off surgery), no need to worry that I could not swallow.
I live a hour from the hospital any major issue I had I would have been dead before I got there.
I am friends with one of the nurses there and she said it is standard procedure for that hospital to keep everyone overnight especially if they live more than 20 minutes away. Another friend said she got the same letter after her knee replacement and it ended up getting paid. The doctors will just resend paperwork better showing medical necessity. But c'mon.......
2014/09/04 09:54:13
3 weeks ago I did something to my hand.
Workers comp urgent care called it a strained or sprained tendon.
The tendon to my middle finger on my right hand felt like a bow string drawn and released when I moved it wrong.
Told me to not lift more than 20 pounds and keep working
While better it is still swollen and painful.
Very painful when put into certain positions.
Follow up follow up tomorrow.
Don't know if there is more to it than they have diagnosed  but somehow I don't think it should still be swollen and painful 3 weeks into it.
2014/09/04 11:14:21
Clint S
Well TB I am no hand expert by any means.  If I was at work I would ask some of my OT friends.  All's I can say is yea it may take a while, but after 3 weeks it should be getting a bit better [which it sounds like it is].  What sucks is that it is WC and it will take months to get an MRI if you need one.  which is what you need to get an accurate diagnosis.  Do anti inflamitories work like naproxen [alleve]?  I would ice it every chance you get to get the swelling down.
2014/09/04 11:34:44
Been icing it clint.
On 800mg ibuprofen.
It makes it usable but still when the finger is bent the wrong way the pain is intense and I can't help but release it and it kinda wants to fall to my side till it subsides.
Thanks for the input.
Not as concerned about the healing rate now.
Still gonna see if I can't get whoever looks at it tomorrow put something in writing that it is progressing normally.
If their malpractice insurance is on the line they may take it a bit more seriously than the nurse practitioner did last time follow up.
Hardly looked at it, told me to take the splint off and don't do things that make it hurt (as if you would do that if you knew it was going to hurt) 
Just want it taken seriously.
Oh and I want to know I won't drop my rod because of it when playing a SR fish.
2014/09/04 12:23:47
Clint S
A small tear in that tendon can be extremely painful and take forever to heal. I had one in my elbow that was quite painful if I moved the wrong way for 4 months.
2014/09/14 20:14:11
Clint S
Big appointment on Wednesday. Lets see if my spine is fused. I still do not feel like I am at 100% as far as strength and definitely lacking range of motion. When I turn my head too far I get a bad pain in the neck, but it is muscular.  pain shooting down the arm has improved, but still there. Still got that numb feeling on my chin above the incision. I do finally feel like I am getting a bit better every day. Will probably as for at least 2 more weeks of maybe a month.
2014/09/17 20:54:41
Clint S
Seems everything is going as it should (other that the 2 hour wait  for 15 minutes with the MD). Pain in the arm is from hypersensitive nerve whole it is regenerating. Neck pain is from lack of movement and the fact that someone drilled 4 holes in my spine, ripped out a disc and screwed a plate in.  MD was disappointed with my range of motion especially lateral flexion (ear to shoulder). Starting my rehab stint with range of motion exercises and arm strengthening. Upped lifting to 25# to increase with my tolerance. OK'd lawn mowing for short periods and light chores also to increase with tolerance and yes he did ok fishing, even on a boat (on a calm day no wave crashing), but I think that is done for the year. He says the vertebra look fused with no issues with the hardware. If he had his way I would be out of work for 2 more months, but is willing to let me go back next month if I feel ok. Soooooooooooo I more month of work. What sucks about that is that I am going to use most of my vacation time extending this month off  so no time off for Steel this December as I usually take a week off, I will be stuck going on weekends with the rest of the mobs...............
2014/09/17 21:42:35
hot tuna
Thanks for the update Clint . I hope things are going as you wished. Time heals and I got a feeling you will be slamming those steel anyway with vengeance :)
2014/09/18 06:59:13
 Glad the healing  process is moving forward.  I've been stuck with weekends  many times, not so bad in Dec.  Just have to put up with us foreigners.
2014/09/18 07:46:22
Clint S
Biggest thing is I am glad I have a job that affords me ample time off and I can accrue it. It has been nice not having to worry about anything , but getting better during all this.

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