2014/08/01 08:14:01
hot tuna
Like I said before with my injury , I could not cast a single handed fly rod. It was just excruciating pain in my elbow to make the casting motion . When I went to the 2 handed spey it became easily possible to cast again because most of the power changed to the opposite ( left) wrist and not the right elbow.
Thing I did not like was the length of the rod,13' .
When a fish was hooked it was a major PIA to bring it to hand. I would use an extendible net or try to stick to spots that would allow walking back and beach them.
If you decide to give it a try its here for the taking
2014/08/01 12:17:01
Clint,the shu-fly switch is a great buy for the money.11 ft 8 wt is perfect for the SR and the Salmon and Steel.95% of the casting is roll casts when fishing below the surface,the extra long butt allows you to use both hands to cast without effort.That 11 ft length allows you to keep your line off the water for a better drift and it is n't so long that you can't land fish.Also I put that rod to the test on the Kings with no problems,always keep your hands on the cork,ask Charlie and Rich.
2014/08/01 12:31:59
I agree with the 11' switch... I've fished rods ranging from 6'6-14' on this river and I have to say the 11' two handed is my go to. I have one in #7 and #9... The cast ability and drift ability is effortless as jack said in most situations... It makes switching from right to left fairly easy also... But Clint, please don't over extend yourself bud...
2014/08/01 13:10:51
Clint S
That's the one I am looking at the  11 foot 8  weight. My only concern is like Rich said getting the fish to hand with the added length, but I think the added benefit of keeping the line off the water and some better casting will more than make up for that.  I improved my landing ration by getting a longer handle for my net.
  Andy don't worry doctors orders are doctors orders not going to ruin it for some filthy sharks.  A few walking trips with the nephew hooking up may be on my to do list though.   A lawn chair across from the Jailhouse inn may be worthwhile too
2014/08/01 13:47:48
Have an 11 ft 8wt Switch  from Cabelas and put the Lamson reel on it- LOVE IT. Purchased with much advice from folks here.
With practice ya can roll it a very long way without worrying bout those nasty  branches above and behind ya--lol..
Its a 4 piece but  never use two connections and just break it down in the middle when traveling.
2014/08/01 13:49:59
hot tuna
All good advice from the masters on the shu fly rods. They can be used as a single or 2 handed rod. I don't think the 11' would be too difficult to use for landing. Just make a nice " clean" nail knot with your leader and you should be able to pull it right through the guides.
I almost went for one myself but realized my time on the river will be less so I don't really need another rod.
Only bought the spey on a whim, a foolish one at that because I really see no place for it plus I hate the rod, length etc.
Nice to hear your following docs orders, I was never good at discipline.
2014/08/01 14:04:05
My two 11' ers are actually tfo deer creek but I believe the shu is cheaper and jack has obviously put them to the test. RT I often do the same with my four piece rods but it is good to break them down completely as they can encourage breaking by keeping the top two pieces together... Also good practice to check your most top tip every 1/2 hour as extensive casting can loosen it up and when a fish is hooked it can break from not being fully secured.

Clint, I've been two hand casting for quite some time if you ever want to hook up some time I can give a few pointers to break the curve bud
2014/08/04 09:17:21
Clint S
Breaking news I took a shower...........................
I can finally shave without excruciating pain on my chin so that is slowly getting better, arm pain a little better, but I have been on prednisone for 6 days and this is the last pill in the cycle so my roid rage (and my constant hunger) should decrease. Neck pain is alot better. Swallowing is close to normal, but pills still get stuck when they never did before.
2014/08/29 19:51:14
Clint S
So I got a letter today staying that my 1 day hospital stay was not covered by my insurance. They expected me to go home right after. Hopefully they can get this fixed as I do not want to have to pay for that.
2014/08/29 21:44:48
That is bull clint.
No way you go home the same day they do your neck.
Hope it's just a glitch in the system.

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