2017/01/23 13:53:58
Found myself with more time on my hands so I took a ride up to my old haunt, Linesville.  No ice anywhere, even a few guys shore fishing!  Photos show shots of the launch, from the launch back to the boat house, the new fishing wall that replaced the old dock and the new kayak launch area


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2017/01/23 13:55:34
Sorry   forgot the kayak area


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2017/01/23 14:31:54

2017/01/23 16:28:58
Looks great ,when is it officially open for use ? 
2017/01/23 17:20:48
Not sure Captain.  You could launch a boat right now but I doubt it's open  Probably the usual March 1st  They are still cementing an area of walkway on the right side of the ramp.  The parking area is going to have to be cleaned up too.  Truck with workers was pulling out as I pulled in.  I tried to get their attention but they didn't see me.  I wanted to know just how much they changed the grade on the ramp.  I'm also curious to see what my depth finder says the first time out because they were supposed to dredge the whole marina area
2017/01/23 18:50:49
Nice report Opsman. Thanks for taking the time. Great pictures.
2017/01/24 13:21:07
opsman ..... I take it from your pics that they have replaced the wooden floating dock with a break wall. Looks like it goes out into the lake on a curve. Is the break wall about as long as the wooden dock was? A good number of people used that dock. And depending on how the wind was blowing fishing from the dock could be great at times. I don't see any benches. Maybe they will put some in like they have at the other marina.
Thanks for the update and pics.
Later ... Chuckles
2017/01/24 13:34:09
Pachuckles, they probably will add benches.  Have to have somewhere to sit!  I imagine trash cans too so people just don't leave their garbage laying around.  The short posts in the pix are lights, all they way out to the end.  The break/fishing wall is definitely longer than the old one and it does curve back towards the dock areas.  It will provide great protection for the boats that are moored there
They left the space to the right of the launch area as a courtesy dock but I think they really missed the boat (pun intended) by not using that area to put in a second launch.  With the amount of traffic that launch sees it would have been a Godsend, and I can't believe that the cost would have been so much more as to have not been feasible.  Springtime with your regular crowd alone is crazy, not to mention when you try to have two or three tournaments launching from there
2017/01/26 08:52:51
Two Saturdays ago I drilled a couple of holes thru the ice at the new docks hoping they dredged out the marina I was thinking it might be fishable like the Jamestown docks. As far as I could see it was only 5 foot deep thru out the whole marina which is a little scary considering the lake is high right now, at summer level my pontoon might be sitting in 2 feet of water. I did catch a handful of small perch. I was told by a local that the only part that was dredged was by the launch.
2017/01/26 10:44:40
That sounds about right because during the summer there were times there was less than a two foot draft coming away from the launch.  If you remember, a couple of years ago it got so bad in late summer that they were telling pontoon owners to get their boats out before it got to the point that they couldn't!

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