2017/02/02 11:05:07
Mercy sakes I am certainly happy I need not depend on catching fish for food!

I'd be really hungry.
2017/02/03 06:50:10
My freezer is full of fish I support catch and eat when they get the hard water that's food a true sportsman the rest of the year throw every fish I catch back from trophies to baby's I fish all year spend thousand in gear and traveling it's nice ta get some off that back in groceries :) yee yee know what I hate about the Amish EVERYTHING total scumbaggs
Rope em and smoke em
2017/02/03 08:38:29
Big Tuna
I don't fish to live,I don't hunt to live. I live to fish and hunt. I enjoy my Panfish and eyes fillets introduced to hot grease,and my back strap marinated and grilled on the Barbie,but really 20 fish is plenty for most people. If fact most people would love to catch 20 big crappie a day.lol
2017/02/03 10:26:52
Big Tuna as for loving to catch crappy or any other fish for that matter...... hell yes and someday, my luck will change for the better.

In the mean time, thank goodness for Friday's and all you can eat.😉
2017/02/04 18:24:47
We need an executive order to ban the straw hat land rapists off the water. Ha
2017/02/06 15:24:01
I have a hard time imagining how these processes works.  PA sets trap nets, collects fish and tallies fish.  In 2012 they had the best catches of black crappies they have ever had, at like 2200 fish.  The next netting, 2014, they had 560ish...  That same year, as stated here by an angler who was stopped on the water for a survey by the ODNR, anglers were surveyed about imposing a size limit to protect the number of fish being kept.  In 2016, PA surveys again, and the number is as low as 185 crappies.  The ODNR initiated conversations about upping the size limits...  So, PA biologists watch the population decrease while the ODNR is surveying anglers on success rates and how they use the fishery.  I am absolutely, 100% convinced that if it weren't for Ohio, (who mind you, only actually own ~1/4 of the lake) the regulations would be exactly the same as years past.  When will the PA fish and Boat Commission begin surveying anglers and determine how the resources are used??  What will it take to make them want to hear what the people using the resource want?? This is insane.  If no changes are made from the trapping surveys, aren't they just catching fish in the nets for the fun of it?????
2017/02/06 16:41:22
Seriously, you expect the PFBC to live survey angler's?

They would have to leave their cushy office and meet the people they been screwing.
2017/02/07 08:24:28
I got surveyed years back at Kahle by a PFBC summer intern.
I was told they used Kahle as a control lake for the Pan fish enhancement study. They asked us what we thought should be the daily limit for pan fish, and if we thought there should be a minimum size limits on perch, crappie and bluegills/pumpkinseeds.
2017/02/07 10:13:19
There was a voluntary survey on Pymie at Jamestown boat launch this past spring. Do not know why I forgot, I got a participation trophy too. A pink and yellow bobber.... 10-4!!

Anyways, "survey says" the PFBC would like to know if I might have any aquatic vegetation hitchhikers on my boat or trailer. 2nd question; where did I last use the boat followed by 3; If and when, I wash and disinfect between fishing trips?

ummmm...... that would be wash and disinfect "the boat and trailer" dummies!!

Other than the surveyor was polite and appreciative of me taking the time to stop, I have no idea of her position with the PFBC.
2017/02/07 18:09:27
was interviewed at linsville, asked about cieaning boat and places i had been, nothing aboutfishing at pymy.i fished lakes in canada where they had a survey box at the ramp. just fill out the survey,( total number, # kept.) put in box no fuss.

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