2016/10/21 11:14:01
I think slot limit would be better. Say 9"-11" you could keep. Everything else goes back in. With a 15 possession limit. But what do I know. I'm just a try to be average fisherman like BTDT.
2016/10/21 12:53:55
I agree with Crappiefisher.  Why mess with what is working?  I would bet that the "Blue Army" is actually helping the fishery, by not letting it stunt.  I don't get to fish Pymie as nearly as I would like.  But when I do, I always seem to catch some decent crappie.  What I would consider slabs at Arthur, are what many consider average at Pymie.  Arthur gets probably twice the pressure, but I don't think it gets nearly the keep everything clientele that Pymie does.
2016/10/21 14:10:53
20 fish limit works for me. As old dog said, I don't want to clean that many pannies most of the time anyway.
2016/10/21 15:58:49
Rich, I am all for it,I don't get to fish there since I sold my boat,but from what I see around here especially Twin lakes after they changed the size limit & possession limit for Crappie we have gotten nicer fish than ever. I would like to see it for Greenlick also. To me it is a shame to see guys keeping 6&7" fish then crying about not getting many slabs. I like to tell them that most fish don't grow much in the frying pan.  JMO   sam
2016/10/21 17:50:03
When did Wilhelm ever have a 10 limit fish for Crappie? Last special reg I knew about was the PENNSTATE FBC destroying the lake with stupid fish specific lake nonsense that didn't work for BASS.
2016/10/21 19:43:46
  I should ov said the panfishers went to Wilhelm instead ov Arthur. I like the idea ov the Pymy thing but like you said, better keep close tabs on the fishery or could backfire. I can go to Arthur most times & get a limit or close to it once in the spring & then again in the fall so don't have to make a mess in the kitchen but twice a yr. Just as easy to slice 50 for me as to 20.
2016/10/21 22:14:32
For Wilhelm, I wouldn't oppose a 10 pan fish limit and even a slot limit as suggested above but I have to say for only a set number of years then extensions only if a study warrants a continuation.

The really neat thing, with a ten fish limit, I would need only go fishing 20 times to actually catch a limit.🎃

Or is that 10 fish a day? 😋
2016/10/21 23:08:31
Rumor far from truth . I fish best by myself or with my sons. If Porktown, Spoonie, Dreamcatcher, Rippin'lip, Startinout, Bighead or Resquard fished with me it would be a guarantee skunk, talk way too much.
 It helped with the local old timers (mostly all passed away)  locals & my one son, by accident & just plain dumb fishin' dusk too dawn night after night myself with no one around.
2016/10/22 09:20:11
If Porktown, Spoonie, Dreamcatcher, Rippin'lip, Startinout, Bighead or Resquard fished with me it would be a guarantee skunk, talk way too much.

We talk too much, or make you talk too much?  
There might be some truth to that paper bag over the head - I have never seen The Mayor of Lake Arthur catch a fish.  
2016/10/22 10:47:50
I've seen him pull in perch after perch, while shooting the breeze. It's not just legend. I do hear what he says. I usually do better fishing alone. Even when wading with my dad or father in law. It is rare that we are within 50 yards of each other for very long. Obviously not the same on the boat. Worst is when one of them gets a bite (usually a bluegill) and I am ready to move to another spot. We end up sitting there for another hour, to catch that one small fish...

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