2016/10/20 07:01:16
I think this change is a good one. 20 per day has to be 9 inch min. let them grow up some. whats your thoughts.
2016/10/20 14:20:20
Did they officially change it? I think it's a great idea!
2016/10/20 15:15:29
I think its going to happen. I hope so
2016/10/20 15:48:49
PFBC better be on the lake checking the blue army
2016/10/20 15:50:58
In 2014 we were approached by a guy in his boat from Ohio fish comm asking us about a 30 crappie limit at 9 inches. All 3 of us told him we were in favor of it...never heard any more about it. I do hope it goes through (is it official or is this an opinion thread?). So if the "blue army" can keep sublegal 'eyes, are they going to be expected to abide by this reg?
2016/10/20 16:32:43
I think this change is a good one. 20 per day has to be 9 inch min. let them grow up some. whats your thoughts.
I'd love to see this adopted pa wide. 20 fish limit(30 combined? ) on all pan fish would be great imo.
2016/10/20 21:24:51
I tried but alas I failed to find the information I received from the PFBC via their news letter.  Unfortunately, I deleted (no didn't use BleachBit) the letter and as usual, I can't find a darn thing on the PFBC web sight.  Well, most yinz know how that goes, never seems to fail; eventually it will turn up and always without a doubt, in the very last place you'll look.
Anyways, if my memory serves me right..........................  Ehhhh,  The new reg. passed with a 9 inch,    ummm...... 15 creel limit or was it 20.
Whatever......... new Crappie regs. will be in place at Pymatuning State Park Lake beginning 2017.
Oh.... sorry, forgot the original question;  yes I am for the new reg.s  but I hope the change is monitored closely because the opposite has occurred at other fisheries which produced gazillions, or was that bazillions, of undersized fish.
PS.  I should also note, the new reg.s will not affect me one way or another as much of yinz know,  I can't catch the stupid fish no matter what size OR, how many there are.
2016/10/21 07:38:43
First yes I am in favor of this.
Second it is official and will take effect next Year.
Third like BTDT this will not effect me much
2016/10/21 08:10:41
fishin coyote
Where did you find said info?
I looked on both Pa and Ohio sites but couldn't find anything.
2016/10/21 09:36:58
Didn't help Arthur or Wilhelm when tested 10 panfish limit for some yrs. What looks good on paper ain't always so.
 Worth a try for a few yrs. & see the outcome.
Thought Pymy was one ov best slab Crappie spots 'round, Imo wouldn't try fixin' what ain't broken.
 Out a few times this month (north end) & haven't seen another boat out. Linesville work lookin' very nice indeed.

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