2016/04/12 20:52:49
C'mon Captain, not nice to fool around like that!!   
I bought a annual pass last year and the tickets says "Expires 06/16" now I gotta wonder if they are talking about the ticket!!  
Thanks a lot!!
2016/05/03 23:57:16
OK.......  yesterday I get to the Shenango Rec. Area boat launch at 3:00 PM and there is exactly one vehicle with trailer in the parking lot.  So, I get home last night and not wanting to "spot burn" I report my venture and success on a completely different thread.
Today I get to the launch sight at 3:00 PM and there is 15 vehicles with trailers in the parking lot.
So which one of you guys........  dropped the dime? lol
I fared today about as well as I did yesterday but some boats, reported some success while others, did worse than me.  Now that there ain't good, I don't care who ya are!!
Tight lines and good times are a comin'.
2016/05/04 20:12:41
If you post it, they will come.
2016/05/05 12:45:02
They say  news travels by several means; 1. Internet 2. Telephone; 3. Telegraph; 4. Tell-A-Fisherman.  Plus, Shenango is a big deep lake with the catching occurring in some areas before happening in others and, I didn't say a word about Golden Run.
Tight lines and good times to all.
2016/06/21 14:28:43
Anybody doing anything on Shenango Lake ? Seems like I'm fishing the Dead Sea lately !
Nothing but some small Stripers and a few Catfish so far.
Walleye seem to be an endangered species. 
Can't wait to hear the Fish Commission report on the next biologist report on future Walleye numbers here.
After all they tossed in a whopping 1,800 fingerlings last year !
I'm sure five years from now the lake should be just teaming with legal Walleye !  
2016/06/23 10:37:38
Got a very reliable source that is catching good size crappies but not in large numbers. Trolling crank baits is working for him. I've been fishing over at mosquito lately and doing alright. I get bored trolling inland lakes so after an hour or so I'm done. I'm back to fishing deep brush and doing alright.
2016/06/23 21:41:46
Trolling can be boring no doubt......I'm the same got to change up after awhile.
Nice seeing you guys the other day. Drew's not doing much better either.
Shenango's fishing tough now days...she was on fire past years ! 
2016/06/23 23:49:10
Brock ya gotta look at the good point, no more launch fees at Shenango Lake.   Apparently, those launch fees are why people stopped using the lake.  I'm pretty sure the reason given for stopping the charges was to promote more usage of the lake.  Wasn't there a launch fee years ago when the lake was heavily used? 
Hmmm, I wonder, why the usage has dropped the past few years and are the people making these decisions, walking around on their elbows?
2016/06/24 17:44:13
Yea John it's still fairly busy just too many wake producing crafts at times. I usually go very early or very late to avoid all the race boats. It's nice without the launch fees but many people never paid regardless. I asked about that a few years ago when I bought my yearly passes and she said it's mainly an honor system. We trust people to pay ! Here I am buying a pass every year or paying as needed and Joe Doe is sneaking in without paying for years and nobody cares !  Oh well that's all over for now .  
2016/06/24 18:22:33
Hit the water at 9:30 and started the day tossing 1/16 oz  jigs fitted with various colored and sizes of tubes.  No one color or size seemed to work better than another but the presentation certainly did.  Vertically dancing or dragging and hopping the jig directly on the bottom produced the most catches but, the bite was not aggressive, occasional lifting the rod tip in quick snaps caused the hook-ups.
The Helix and 541 were both showing fishy pictures with most being in 13 to 15 FOW and at various depths but, I caught nothing unless I was touching the bottom.
My initial plan was to catch some Crappie then troll lead core just to see if I could snag a sunken boat or sumthin but I scrapped that idea, as it seemed, the lake was getting busy with shirtless old hairy dudes running their big boats with loud motors.
Sometime around 3:00 PMish I cinched the Fish Hawk to her bunks and grabbed some gears en-route to the house.
PS.  I did stick with my 12 fish limit per outing, I just pretended, I went out twice today.
Today's catch.............................
  I'm so happy............

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