2015/09/09 20:05:35
for the worst. Late this afternoon, in my ever increasing efforts to develop patience and prepare to actually catch   fish  bigger than my hand, I did some more carp sight fishing. Lots of frustrating refusals, scare-offs, and few takes , but misses, in the half-second you get before they spit the fly, in this case an Oregon cheese egg w/red dot.
I was about to give up, when I finally get one to take and I respond in good fashion. Played the around 10 lb'er on 4x flouro, but the battle was over pretty quick and it was in the net and hook removed. I usually just sink the hoop of the net below the carp and let them swim out. Well it swam, but so did the net. I pick it back up and discover that the carp is attached to the bottom of the net. I reach down, the carp thrashes and rakes a darn hook across my thumb! A snagger broke off in its dorsal and left a present. I get left with a nice gash across my thumb and the opportunity to wear a bandage for the next few days. I couldn't believe in practicing for fishing on the SR (patience, patience, and landing big fish)  I'd get a dose of what really could happen with the pin cushions you sometimes land there. Anyone else ever get hooked by one broke off in a fish already?  I've been scratched once on a steelhead, and usually am very careful. I remove  any hooks I see on fish- always have good hemostats handy. War stories? Most flies, hooks you've ever seen in a steel/salmon?
2015/09/09 20:25:49
Never had the misfortune to get hooked by a fish but sure have seen plenty on the SR and other tribs with many flies/hooks in them.As you said you must be carefull and look at what you are going to grab.This is one reason that I don't take them out of the water,I usually just reach down and use my pliers to unhook them.
2015/09/09 20:32:48
I hope you're up to date on your tetanus shots.
I caught a king adorned with a half dozen pieces of jewelry in the Joss Hole during that prolific run in 2012 (Sept 11-14).  Removed all items before sending her on her way.  All hooks were 1/0 with black sponge. LOL
2015/09/09 21:16:34
Imagine that! Black Sponge is the bomb, only thing better is black estaz...    Had a tetanus booster  a few years ago, Gerry.
2015/09/09 21:18:20
I always try to do the same by removing any piercings they may have received on their journey up the river. It was discusting when J plugs were legal in the river now that was some bad piercings.
2015/09/09 21:19:01
hot tuna
That sucks Charlie .. About the hook in the thumb but not the catch . Ya know in all the years on the SR and even through the dreaded snagging hook days , I really can't recall getting bit by a hook . I'm sure I have but just don't remember.
One war story I do however not all that long ago was fishing in the UFZ for steelhead . I was in a prime slot of a run with nobody around and catching fish on the SRS of course.
Along comes a guy with a Spey rod and sees the action I'm having so he of course decides to get in above me ( the whole run was open ) and as close as he could then makes his whipped e' whip cast across the river so his line will drift far below me .. I give him the look of displeasure and a comment about being a little to close . Pay no mind did he and after the 3 rd whip cast he hooks me in my hand on his whip cast. I blew my stack and told him to leave before I took his rod and snapped it into pieces .
He apologized and moved up just a tad bit higher but still to close and drifting in front if me . I timed his next drift and threw over top his line , caught it and yanked as hard as I could trying to pull the rod out of his hand . Well it didn't but I pulled in his line and cut it off at the fly line and said oops , sorry. He left
2015/09/09 21:39:05
Now that's a war story!  HT-1 Speytard-0  If you're going to use a technique that was refined in areas of long traditions of etiquette and gentile manners, might as well absorb some of that tradition!!!!!
That guy must have been a member of the red light spey pimp club.
That's the only good thing about the  DEC's ruination of the Kiddie Pool by the boat ramp- it took out the  spey pimp conga line. You gotta all jam up on the sand bar. Of course that means that eddy just below it is the prime hold and snag yard for winter steel.  I've counted 3 small stone flies in one steelhead.
2015/09/09 22:07:34
I've yet to get hooked but have seen enough hooks in fish to look before I grab. I honestly will use my best judgement with a foul hooked fish and if I can get it in in a manner that I deem safe I do it to get the hook out. The line is very fine though and I will snap when/ if necessary... Will say though... Black estaz has worked for me on many occasions :) first discovered it in early 91ish... Had one of my best days on valentines weekend 1992 in the tail of the town pool after a long hard weekend with just a hook up or two. Had a classic "January" thaw and the tail of the town pool was loaded with colored up large steelhead that were periodically breaking water. Had quite a few fish break water on our strip ins between 4 of us
2015/09/09 22:40:56
hot tuna
Another stumper db , black estaz . Ya know I hardly ever used black estaz , don't think it's even in my box .not saying its no good or don't work but just interesting that I haven't used it . I did try tying some for a thorax because I was to lazy to dub but didn't like the shinny look it gave the fly. I went to a fine pea- kok colored estaz instead . We found big black stones killer for browns and at times well for salmon. I haven't had much luck for steelhead with them like the above fish. Now Jacks little pea fly ,,,, well that's a steel candy :)
Not busting your stones at all , I just find it interesting how some things work well and success for others and , I just looked at it different and over looked that color .
Just as the tread says " always be prepared " with every color
Peace & Tuna ;)
2015/09/09 23:10:30
Absolutely.... Black body was a staple usually with a pink blue yellow orange etc. Back pulled over the top or just a tail... Blue body in either light, dark, and /or flash impregnated were also hot with different color backs or tails as well. Estaz definitely worked better for me in lower river though. Definitely a 90's thing though ;P

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