Last year, I chased one from Clint's rock down to the end of the wall in the petting zoo. At 64 that is as far as I go, after that, I'm tying up a new rig!
The UFZ guy needing his camera would definitely be making a contribution to the local municipality if the wardens had been around. I think it is time to put together a board with a hole cut out for the person's face, of a guy with a big fish (maybe multiple boards, salmon, steellie, and brown), like on the boardwalk at Atlantic City, so everyone can have the giant fish souvenir photos to take home, they are about that meaningful anymore what with 1/0 one material "flies" and the need to carry a food scale to weigh your flies and.... Could put it down by the ramp in Altmar, lots of room for a line there, "Step right up, you pays your money, you takes your chances, get your picture with the trophy leviathan, and a little cupie doll for the missus....."
As to HT's chase, I have an old friend who was out trolling about 8 miles offshore and the engine quit. He hooked his stringer to the front of the boat and had the two cohos he had caught swim him back to shore, not sayin' they were big or anything, he said he was tempted to take a side trip to Toronto for beer, but he wasn't quite making the speed....