2015/07/26 23:09:47
Tuna I got a 1000 box of fenwick 1/0 long shanks with a top upper barb that I small mouth fish with so please don't discriminate.... This is a diverse world we live in... Lol!!!
2015/07/27 18:39:02
Clint S
No worries Andy it's all about the estaz anyway
2015/07/27 18:50:57
Tuna you said out of the fishes mouth not his back or side belly and I'm sure it didn't have a chunk of estez on it that was purchased for 3.50 at one of the shops
2015/07/27 19:00:18
3.50 for an estaz fly??? Wow a hole lot of suckers out there. In defense of estsz I've caught 100's of fish on them since the early 90's... It seemed to stop working as well as it got popular but steelhead returns also dropped drastically in the late 90's... Even the lakers would hit estaz often when they were in the river... Blue with a read or pink z-lon, hi-vis, crystal flash or even glo bug yarn pulled over its back was hot for steelhead. White estaz with an orange thread wrapped underlying body was killer... Always took browns ...
2015/07/27 23:24:30
hot tuna
Well another show in the books , Ann & Nancy Wilson , aka Heart . Kicking it full throttle and going to catch Lukas Nelson again in Lake Placid tomorrow night. Hope to fish the awesome able before I head back weds . Seems like I'm almost 20 again but my boys will be 30 in Jan.
Totally derailing your thread Clint , sorry man. Catch some fish and put it back on the tracks.
As for hooks ??
I may take some 1/0 from you Andy , somehow that one broke off in the net on removal, yea solid in the mouth !!
I will use what ever size the fishing dictates , hence word " fishing "
Have fun out there boys !!!!!
2015/07/28 07:10:01
Went to Ithaca for the weekend, watched the baby rainbows tearing up the drop pool at Enfield Falls, bodes well for future runs out of Cayuga. Saw college roommates that I had not seen in near 40 years, talk about feeling young again! 
Legitimate flies are those being used as imitations of some food stuffs, as opposed to being legal camoflage for a snagging hook.  So a 16 caddis in one set of hands is a legitimate fly and in another is no different than a cricket.   If a fisher has a flybox containing nothing but 1/0 fuzzies, I would say "snagger"; no fly works 100% of the time, not even wader boy's, I mean 2 bob's, "stuff on shank" series.  Like wise you could be carrying the entire fly selection at the local store and if you put on a cannonball and start yanking, appropriate conclusions may be drawn.  It's not so much the fly selected as the method with which it is fished. 
Psst, please keep this quiet so it does not get out, but those glo bug thingies work really good in a left field color that is sort of a cross between yellow and green, chartroose I think it is called, but you don't want this one out on, lets say, Salmon Crazies.  Since there's only about 6 of us here, I'm not too worried, but....
And Fichy, I think the inability to see the tongue in cheek is a mark of a good person, valuing what the other says and giving it credence without judgement, and it is almost the shame for the perpetrator of the guise, but to paraphrase Chesterton, nearly everyone laughs when a man slips on a banana peel.  I can tell that sharing water with you would be that, sharing, and I'm hoping to get the chance after my last day in the workforce (until Christmas shopping time, when I will probably be helping fat ladies try to fit into skinny dresses)  9/25!
2015/07/28 08:47:36
Tuna I've got plenty to share and I've been meaning to tie some bass bugs and salmon(yes salmon) flies on them for big inticers...

Maybe my reaction to rainbows only being flossed on the salmon river rather than actually taking was irrational??? Who knows who cares... True context and meaning is often lost in written word. Lucky, fichy is good company whether sharing water or just time with. A genuine guy I can assure you ;)
2015/07/28 09:40:35
Only? I was very specific about mid-winter flossing, not a glittering generalization, so don't accuse me of being ridiculous, then call me a good guy.  Oh shiz, I missed the sarcasm again!  Same back at you, Dime. Now back to twiddling my thumbs waiting for a floor finish to dry .
2015/07/29 13:53:27
Took the boy fishing last evening... He forced me to fish past dark... He ended up grabbing a pound and a half small mouth so he was happy... Small mouth are few and far between. They must've hightailed along with the high water we had through June and early July...
2015/07/29 13:57:00
Excuzzzzeeee me---I thought this was the "world famous" Sr smallmouth fishery.

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