• Northwest PA
  • Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing (p.8)
2015/06/27 16:12:53
Striperguy , nice to get some experienced input on the lake. I've heard your name mentioned every time we talk Striper talk and do know you are well experienced on that lake . We've never met that I can remember ( bad memory syndrome )  but we work at the same place. I haven't been out as much the past two years but also have many years experience on Shenango Lake and River. I'm glad to hear that you do so well on Walleye because most guys I've talked to haven't faired as well.  I don't target Walleye at the lake as much the past 5-6 years basically due to chasing those Stripers and fishing the lower River. I also net Shad and totally agree that there are small schools but nothing like years past. I'm glad you solved the mystery of those neon colored needle size minnows for me, makes a lot of sense now. Amazing how many big White Bass schools roam that lake. Your right I've got to change some fishing tactics on those Stripers my catch rate has gone way down the past few years. Your comments are good and make sense to what's going on at the lake level. I guess I'll be targeting more Walleye there in the future since the lower river is about fishless without any restocking program. Feel bad for the guys and kids that don't own boats it's tougher fishing on the lake shorelines. Probably will be hitting the lake later this Summer and try to get into those big guys feasting on those Shad. Maybe Ill see you around the area Striperguy . I give the Fish Commish an A+ on that program . They put Shenango Lake, and Lake Author, back to the top of the list for great fishing .Those big Stripers are about the strongest fighting fish pound for pound one can experience . It's probably a good thing their not acrobatic jumpers when hooked.............................you would never land em !  Thanks' for all comments guys .....good dialog on our local fishing waters .........hope others that enjoy fishing are reading or have more comments.

2015/06/27 20:53:41
Capt'n, I trust, you know the two signs of getting old.  1. Your memory starts to go and 2.   ........... ummmm.........., I've seen to have forgotten what the second thing was.
Oh well..........
Striperguy, I'm new to Shenango having fished there just the past two years.  Heard plenty of stories about what suppose to be and, what there should be but, seldom do I see (in my boat) the whoopers said to be lurking about the waters of Shenango.
Therefore, I think you should know, 'when Striperguy talks..... people listen'!  Hmmmm, that sounds familiar, wish I could remember why.  Anyway, I'm all ears and hope to see more of your comments regarding Shenango. 
Enjoyed your comments.
Gotta get........ stay dry and tight lines.
2015/06/28 11:01:52
to the captain,i guess you and I both share the same compassion for the hybrids.they are my passion for fishing.i have fished the great lakes for salmon and the atlantic coast for saltwater fish,but I enjoy chasing hybrids more than any other.nothing has the power that these fish have and we are blessed to have 2 lakes in our area that have them.morain has them but they don't get as big and thick as the shenango fish due to the fact that they feed on alewives instead of shenangos gizzard shad.love to see your pics here also.we both have a son about the same age and we both spent our time taking them fishing.the world needs more of that.hope to see you out on the lake this year.im in a white alumacraft lunker mag.it has striper decals on the side.if you see me stop and say hey.ill be out after them when the lake comes down to a fishable level and all the noise makers are down to a tolerable amount.ill pm you when it turns on.keep up the fight for the lower river as it should be stocked with walleyes every year.they cost nothing for the commission to raise.and provide a great fishery for all.see ya on da lake.
2015/06/28 11:25:41
Walcat you getting any fishing in these days?
Just trying to stay dry, cutting the grass and pulling #&*@#^%#$%^ weeds from the garden mup'ere at my place.
This dadburn idea of rain every other day sure is making it tough to stay ahead of yard and garden maintenance.
I dunno, after reading some of the threads on this board, I'm about to say to heck with the grass, maters, taters, and pack me some baloney sanmidges, hook the boat and head for Shenango.  Still a couple of launches open and; with this weather, the lake about 5' above summer pool...... I'm hoping the "old hairy guys" are keeping their "junk" at home and I won't be needin' to worry about getting run over by high speed  kayaks.  Ain't gonna try 'er today, what with the wind not knowing where it wants to blow and, showers forecast for every other hour.
I trust you are able to keep your feet above water in your area of Penn's Woods.
2015/06/28 13:39:49
BTDT spotted on a very muddy Shenango surrounded by nekkid old hairy guy junk in loud boats.  News crews tried to get comments from passing polar bears but the bears were like "what the... I don't even... skroo this let's go further South where it is warm."
2015/06/28 14:46:54
I'll be seeing you sooner or later Rick. We share the same ideas and passion for those rod benders. Just like you I've spent many years chasing lots of Great Lakes fish and your right.....these are right up on top the list ! In our backyard too ! 
2015/06/28 16:11:54
BTDT spotted on a very muddy Shenango surrounded by nekkid old hairy guy junk in loud boats.  News crews tried to get comments from passing polar bears but the bears were like "what the... I don't even... skroo this let's go further South where it is warm."

OHHHHH STTTTTOP......ya big tease!
Zelie did you make it out on Arthur this weekend?  Inquiring minds want to know if ya caught sumthin' and with what, where and, when?
I got some catchin' up to do and I'm thinkin' Shenango just might be the place to do it this week.
Weather idjuts predicting some gooder weather (yeah right) for this week.
If I don't answer it's cause I ain't here or, I lost my electrical power because somebody knocked down wires 'cause they forgot to take down the mast before towing their sail boat.  Could be by somebody stacking too many yaks on top of their Fiat also.
Tonight, I'll be checking the charge on my batteries, gasoline in the tank and, dang sure the drain plug is in this time.
Gotta get..... stay in touch and happy fishing.
2015/06/29 10:23:36
I made it to the hospital for a scalpel to the kidney, plus a bunch of other not so fun bonus rounds.  I'll spare you the details of those.  So no fishing for me.  I'm out of comission for a couple more weeks, then we'll see if I can't eek out some summer magic on Arthur.
2015/06/29 11:11:22
I made it to the hospital for a scalpel to the kidney, plus a bunch of other not so fun bonus rounds.  I'll spare you the details of those.  So no fishing for me.  I'm out of comission for a couple more weeks, then we'll see if I can't eek out some summer magic on Arthur.

SAAAAY.............  WHAT?
Tried to send a pm.
Wish you well and godspeed to recovery.

2015/07/13 19:54:56
Just to clarify, it is impossible for any fish to swim from the Ohio river to the Shenango dam unless they grew wings.

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