• Northwest PA
  • Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing (p.4)
2015/06/16 10:24:18
White Bass........ Lines all fade and only one makes it to the tail.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

PS. Anybody else having weird visions of some guy dressed in "Frog Toggs" fishing in a thunder storm? I gotta stop eating those baloney sandwhiches after midnight!!!

I gotta get......
2015/06/19 10:10:55
Ever wonder why Lake Erie is in such small print on the Pa. State's Fishing Advisory Website ? Notice Erie's Walleye eating warnings are exactly the same as Shenango's ! Wonder why they don't discourage people from Walleye fishing on Lake Erie with such bad eating advisories ? I guess Western Pa. stocked raised Walleye hold more contaminants then natural born and stocked Erie raised Walleye ? I know the Detroit River is as clean as a Rocky Mountain Stream now days ! 
Water Body Area Under Advisory Species Meal Frequency Contaminant
Lake Erie (Erie Co.) Open waters Walleye, Coho Salmon*, Steelhead* (Rainbow Trout), Brown Trout*, 1 meal/month PCB
Smallmouth Bass, White Perch, White Bass, Lake Whitefish, Carp under 20”,
Freshwater Drum, Lake Trout under 30” and Channel Catfish
Carp over 20”, Lake Trout over 30”. Do Not Eat PCB
2015/06/19 16:32:53
According to this, Erie has not had a walleye stocked by the PFBC this century.  Pretty sure the Shenango tail races are not providing 1/1000th of an economic impact as Erie walleye either.  So, even if the state was stocking (which appears they aren't), Erie would be benefiting the state as a whole (recreation and economic impact), much more than Shenango River.  Not sure what you mean by small print for fish advisories, Erie has it's own section?  I think that 99% of people that fish for Erie walleye are well aware of the fish consumption advisory.  
Everyone understands that you are upset about this.  You said your piece and have gained some support.  I'd suggest focusing efforts on getting a petition started.  I for one would sign it, and fished Shenango tail race once in my life, and no plans even if they tripled walleye stockings from the highest year ever, to fish it again.  Just too far of a drive for me.  Attacking the Erie walleye fishery on this site, is not the wisest move.  Especially without checking your facts prior (also the case with the drinking water comment).  You can potentially have a handful of guys that would gladly sign a petition for you, with no dog in the fight, start to wonder if it is worth their while.  I have always thought of you as one of the good guys on this board, and love your photos.  As said, we all understand that you are upset, and I would be too, if it was my local honey hole.  But, some of what you are saying could damage support if you did this the right way.  Re-read some of your posts, and try to keep your emotions in check, if looking for outside support.
Get a nice petition together.  Do not write a message after a few beers, that tells him to go to h311 and that you are going to track down his grand kids and crap in their cereal...  Instead, write a very carefully thought out letter to the biologist (not attacking him in any way), that is based on facts and not emotions.  Write a letter, check facts, spell check and print on some nice thick paper (just seems to have more meaning when it is a formal document).  Have a few of your business world buddies that you may have proof read it and make suggestions.  Leave your drinking buddies that feel a message going after his throat is a good idea, to just sign the petition.  I'm sure all have good intentions, but takes one bad apple to ruin it.  Contact some local businesses that would benefit from the walleye fishery to endorse your letter (bait shops, gas stations, restaurants, ect).  Use this site to set up questionnaires.  "Those that fish the lake, please report your honest walleye creel in the past 5 years".  Same for the lower portion.  How many do they eat, ect.  Put this all in a package, and send to both the biologist and your local state politicians.  It's a little work, but could be worth your effort.  
If that biologist reads these message boards, with some of the messages you have written, kiss the stocking good bye for ever (or until he is replaced).  Probably not a bad idea to go in and edit some of the emotional charged responses.  No one likes their name plastered to a message board and being portrayed as a villain.  The guy had to make some budget cuts, and is doing what he feels is a good move.  I'm sure he wasn't sitting back in some sort of lavish office thinking, how can I mess with the fishermen of this state...  I would bet a paycheck, this guy grew up fishing and wanted to find a job that could put him close to what he loved, likely working off of a 20 year old desk and chair that was pulled from a dumpster (these guys aren't overly funded government waste, as many government departments that generate funds are).  Probably passing up double his paycheck to work for some sort of drug or pesticide company.
If your intention is just to let off steam, and not wanting to fight to get back what you love, then by all means proceed as you have started.
2015/06/19 22:31:55
What...................  did he just say???????
2015/06/20 13:03:29
Maybe I did let my emotions get the best of me on this issue . It's probably because I've spent over 50 years of fishing on this river and seen how well it promoted all fishing. Night time Walleye fishing was like a ritual passed down to younger fishermen for decades. Was it my honey hole ? I'd say yes, along with several hundred other fishermen. Sometimes it's nice to grab your boots instead of a boat and go fishing. I own a nice boat but many a day I prefer " good old style wade fishing " especially for Walleye along the lower Shenango. It's sad to say that's over for most future fishing, unless you enjoy Trout fishing, that still remains good. I was not trying to attack Erie Walleye fishing just comparing the chemical fish eating advisories of the two. After all he said the stocking would not reoccur till the chemical content came down on future fish. Are they not the same on the consumption advisory ? Wonder why he would advise not to eat Shenango Walleye but Erie Walleye posses the same exact warnings ? I know Pa. does not stock Erie Walleye but I believe Ohio does along with natural reproduction. That's what I meant when I said stocked Erie Walleye and natural both posses chemical eating advisories. I doubt that I will edit any of my past comments that's just me speaking how I feel . Sometimes when you speak up about issues certain people will not agree but I speak the truth. Yes all our drinking water does comes from the lower Shenango River water ( Aqua Pa.) about two miles below the dam . I always try and speak the truth and stick to good old common sense on issues. I might go a " tad overboard " but I'm trying to get my point across. I hope the Pa. Fish Commission reads all these comments sometimes things need expressed both good and bad for the better outcome. I personally have wrote and complemented the Fish Commission on what a great job they have done with the Hybrid Striper Program on Shenango Lake so I don't just blast them all the time.........but this time,,,,,,,,,,,,they screwed up  !

2015/06/20 13:27:11
your post was well said also captain.Many different thoughts and opinions here.Ive never fished the lower shenango I wish I had now.Unfortunely a lot of good things come to an end example like prime hunting spots wether it be by housing plans,walmarts and the like or just new landowners posting there land.As for erie walleye their never gona stress the pollutants in erie fish so not to destroy a billion dollar industry along the shores of the great lakes.They could be the most polluted fish that swims and their not gona advertise this it would destroy economies of many cities like Sandusky port Clinton erie and all the others includind the Canadian fishing indystry!!!   Yes for a few hundred fisherman yes but for million of others never gona happen.
2015/06/20 16:15:55
Fishing in a cement barrel.. just say'IN. Like in the pool at the sports show. Kinda like what goes on at the Spillway when those fish herd up in that raceway. "Look I got 6 walleyes outta da ceement pond!"

Whoooo kares... jus ask'IN...

Not fer nuttin but seems like an awful lotta whinnin' for a put n take fishery.
2015/06/20 17:30:36
Captain your comments have merit and it doesn't require a 'degree in whatever' to see (and understand) your point of view.

I certainly didn't think your comments were derogatory toward water quality, walleye fishing at Erie or, Mr. 'I'm The Keeper of Shenango River'. (that's ment to be sarcastic).

It's bad enough the PFBC placates to special interest groups but, to expect the true anglers of PA to accept thier smoke and mirror excuse as to why, is really low.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the trout stocking program in PA is a money making scheme. (for more then the PFBC). Charging people a fee for a fishing license then requiring the purchase of a trout stamp to fish water(s) where bucket(s) full of 'soon to be dead fish' are dumped.

How is it, there are so many streams (locally) that don't have populations of walleye, perch, crappie, etc. aren't stocked with 'put and take trout' but, areas such as the Shenango get a healthy dose?

Pose that question then stand-by for an honest answer from 'I Am The Man'!!! (that is too)

Tell me why a person should be required to purchase a "trout stamp" to fish water(s) supporting other species of game fish (that don't need stocked) just because PFBC dumps buckets of "soon to be dead put and take trout"? Oh, silly me, I might hook a trout while walleye fishing and even though I wouldn't keep it, the trout might die? Boy, we wouldn't want that to happen!

That area of the river is highly fished with easy access so, FORCE people to buy a "trout stamp" in order for them to fish for the more popular, tasty, game fish!

No need to worry about the trout being affected by PCBs, they don't eat anything natural to the area (must be in pellet form broadcast into the water at regular intervals (did that sound sarcastic?)) Also, I don't know of anybody that eats locally stocked trout or, at least admits to it.

I hope to continue seeing your comments AND your pictures too !

Even if your opinion may be in disagreement with mine, it will be nice knowing that I will be holding conversation with a fellow angler that is NOT a kool-aide drinking yes man.

My appology for typos and mispells I'm trying to type on a cell phone while "wishing I was fishing".
2015/06/20 17:48:21
Exactly Pen.........toss in your line and it's fish on ! It's that easy here ........gets you ready for the tough fishing up North like you enjoy. You know, the places on the creek where everybody stands around in a circle and fishes, just like at the sports show you mentioned . 
You should try fishing a real man's river once in awhile. Come on down I'll bring the camera . We need some new photos posted...... your probably tired of seeing mine !    
2015/06/20 18:27:25
I started the post and I expect different opinions to appear. I have no problem stating the facts or trying to state true facts of the whole discussion , I'm far from perfect but I stand by what I think about this issue. If you don't fish this water you won't care.....that's fine. I guess I should have stated that I am highly disappointed with this move by the Fish Commission rather then come out blasting them. The lower river stocking of Walleye ended in 2007 and will have detrimental effects on future Walleye fishing for many future years. It has shown already the past few years and it's not good. Even if they started stocking fingerlings next year the fishery on them would not be noticed till around 2021or longer. I'm too old to stand by and wait I've had my good years on that river just like my Father did years back.  It's  a shame that will not be the case for my son, or grandson at least for Walleye. Wading in strong river currents is a special type of fishing that many fishermen have never experienced especially at night. Sure there's other fish to be caught, other places to fish , but there will never be a place like the Shenango River Tailrace night fishing we enjoyed for many, many years.

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