• Northwest PA
  • Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing (p.3)
2015/06/13 22:52:25
pretty shure you summed up the feelings, of a lot of anglers, when you said the PFBC don't know how to manage their money and our fisheries!
2015/06/14 12:28:30
Exactly. Any agency of ANY level of government that is funded by involuntary means has NO...and I mean NO regard for those that they are supposed to be serving. Its astonishing that those who, by the very nature of their existence, are to SERVE the public seem to have nothing but contempt and indignation for those that shoulder the burden of funding them/provide their income. NO accountability, NO checks or balances, NO urgency to be even the slightest bit compliant or even courteous. And what will their reaction be? They will charge you more to act contrary to your very reasonable/logical wishes.
2015/06/15 08:30:35
Theres only 1 way to stop it. If we all quit buying liscenses and trout stamps it would stop.It wouldn't take long for the powers to be said ok what do you guys want!!!!!!. But its never gona happen just too many sheep out there.you know the ones who say oh well what can we do.
2015/06/15 09:34:36
I didn't even know they stocked the river but it makes sense, I remember years ago walleye fishing there and catching 20-100 fish a night no problem and some real toads at that it seemed like I could always catch them winter thru spring with an honest effort that really sucks they dropped the stocking that's bad buissnes on there part
2015/06/15 10:10:22
Theres only 1 way to stop it. If we all quit buying liscenses and trout stamps it would stop.It wouldn't take long for the powers to be said ok what do you guys want!!!!!!. But its never gona happen just too many sheep out there.you know the ones who say oh well what can we do.

Count me in for not "buying a trout stamp"............  I won't..............  I just won't!
The "trout stamp" brings new meaning to:  "There is a sucker born every minute" ~ David Hannum; P.T. Barnum; PFBC;
2015/06/15 13:33:32
I don't know about the outflow but come Wednesday I'll be back on the lake with my food cooler packed for a full day (evening too) of jigging and spoon-chucking!  Lunch and dinner menu will include baloney sandwiches, baloney sandwiches with cheese and , a side of garlic dill pickles.  Maybe even get a little camp set-up on shore and toast a couple of sandwiches over an open fire........ errr grill.    
Just checked the gauges at the dam and the water is up again.  Hopefully by Wednesday the fish will be cruising the shoreline wood and rip rap once more.  Maybe catch one of them there 'striper hybrids' that's legal size so, I can try it on a grill.  Will be targeting the infamous crappie too, hoping to catch some of them slabbers to stock the freezer for winter.
Got a real good tip where I can catch some 'hybrid' but, I can't say cause I don't 'spot burn'. (everytime
Be safe around the water everyone............... drowning will ruin someones day!
2015/06/15 20:26:16
Good luck out there BTDT.  Better have some rain gear.  You can come fish in my driveway right now (SPOT BURN!).  Arthur is certain to be a muddy mess after this week of rain.  The fish and the bait will both be scattered to the four winds.  BLEH.
2015/06/15 21:16:44
Thanks Sam.............  Just lookin' at the radar and I see we're about to get whacked with a another 'bigun' in a few minutes.  Dang thing's truckin' to the North East which means all the lakes around me along with the Allegheny, Little Shenango,  and French Creek are gonna git stirred-up pretty good.  Got my fingers crossed the Shenango River won't be real crazy and does not rile the lake where she enters.  I'm gonna find out!
Multi tasking; typing on the 'puter', watching hockey (at the same time if ya can imagine that) and, watching the last of daylight fading in the west.  Sporadic flashes in the sky telling me the storm ain't to far off  as "flood warnings" are once again posted on the T.V. screen.
Just lost our Direct T.V (they never lose their signal (til it rains)) which tells me my little piece of Penn's Woods is about to get wet.
Hearing the thunder roll now, T.V. is back on and I think the proverbial 'cow' is outside.............  I gotta go.
2015/06/16 00:37:36
Thanks for all the comments guys keep your thoughts coming .Your right Troutguy some fish must make it through the sluices . They claim they never stocked Hybrids in the lower Shenango ever, but they do seem to show up. I sometimes wonder if maybe they are actually migrating up from lower rivers below Shenango. No big deal on that point but once again, here's a fish that supposedly is not stocked in the river and seems to not only to survive, but thrives in decent numbers and growing size ! Maybe tossing a few more in the river steady would not be a bad thing since everybody enjoys a good fighting sport fish ! They do not stock Channel Cats any more also since 2007. They like the Walleye are on the "DO NOT STOCK LIST" in Shenango River till the water is clean as a Rocky Mountain spring ! I just get a kick that they are worried about us eating those fish. That should be non of their concern just stock the fish and leave it up to the individual if they want to keep it to eat or release it ! They have no liability after they release those stocked fish NONE ! They issue eating warnings in every state that I fish for certain species and that's it. If you want to risk eating more than they advise that's your prerogative. What's next no smoking or chewing while fishing ? Maybe if your overweight your not allowed to fish too! I did not know the Fish Commission was part of the EPA and FDA . I use to think they were in charge of trying to make our waters a great place for FISHING !

2015/06/16 10:12:51
Just think of the fish eating advisories of the shrimp and fish seafood you buy at giant eagle or any other of the supermarkets.Notice the signs Product of Vietnam, Thailland or bangaledesh!!!!!!!!! Do u think really a govm agency is ctually checking these!!!! They cant keep a terrorist from checking in on an airplane and anyone thinks they can tell u whats in seafood!!!!!!!!!!!!. The fish commission should should just stock fish and let us decide if we want to poison ourselves. I know this is a little off subject sorry guys. A friend of mine wont eat any fish we catch but when we go fishing he will smoke 2 packs cigs,eat 2 bigmacs on way home and then drink beer.Kinda silly worrying about it all.

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