• Northwest PA
  • Sad News For Lower Shenango River Outflow Fishing (p.11)
2015/07/29 23:57:35
Walleye stocking effort takes a hit in Pennsylvania         
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Perhaps a form letter to Mr. John Arway, titled  S.O.S!             
Save Our Shish................ or, at least our license money from being squandered on his pet project.
What's up Walcat, you been doing any fishing?
2015/08/01 23:27:32
You need to understand how high the river is when there are all 7 gates open to 2.5ft a piece. All the dams the entire way down are going to be covered. I have personally seen and caught stripers this year as well but they have been about 16-18 inches. Not sure when you started fishing it but there is no excuse or anything you can say to better the situation. There are no adult stripers at the outflow. The only adults are miles and miles away from the dam. The adults are not spit out of the dam. They might get shot out as stockies and grow in the river but I hope to GOD anyone with a brain would not think that many adults are shot through the outflow. If they were shot through the dam they would be there; they are doing very well on the lake this year for them. HOW MANY TIMES CAN I REPEAT THIS. IF THEY WERE SHOT THROUGH THEY WOULD CONSTANTLY BE THERE. THE LAKE IS A NEVER ENDING PIT OF HYBRIDS STOCKED EVERY YEAR FOR SHAD CONTROL.
Captain hook,
PFBC does not care about hybrids. They were introduced as shad killers not for sport fishing. They don't care about a record for them or even sport fishing for that matter. PFBC does not care about sport fishing. They are all about catching and eating not about the quality of a sports fishery. Much like all of your pictures.. Thank god the fishing is terrible now at the outflow. With all the pictures you are posting all over you would have the entire fishusa forum down there. More reports coming in locally. Few buddies took a kayak trip down the entire river and only landed a dozen small mouth. Two years ago they did over 150. Starting to realize from captainhooks photos most of the fish were probably stored in his freezer lmao. I keep blaming the Amish then I see pictures of walleyes and everything else roped up on this forum. First to complain are always the ones not helping the issue.
2015/08/01 23:59:51
PFBC does not care about hybrids. They were introduced as shad killers not for sport fishing. They don't care about a record for them or even sport fishing for that matter. PFBC does not care about sport fishing. They are all about catching and eating not about the quality of a sports fishery.

We may disagree about some stuff, but unfortunately we can agree on this. Sad but true, especially so when it comes to trout fishing. And because of poor management, other programs(such as the walleye stockings) suffer as well.
2015/08/02 00:25:42
You need to understand how high the river is when there are all 7 gates open to 2.5ft a piece. All the dams the entire way down are going to be covered.

I know how high the river gets, but there's NO WAY the dams in Beaver Falls get completely covered. Have you even seen them in person? The river would be dangerously flooded, and the water from the Ohio River would need to be backed up a ton to get the New Brighton dam underwater.
2015/08/03 02:01:42
Ill chime in again from what I read up about smallmouth, new castle area use to be a gold mine for smallmouth, 35-50 in a day was pretty common on a 3-5 hour day, a few nice ones to. now it seems were spending hours and only catching 1 or 2 and its not just smallmouth either, 2011 we were catching smallmouth, walleye, pike, trout, catfish in numbers each trip and the occasional striper and musky. its only been getting worse each year also. ive only caught a handful of smallmouth, some catfish, 3 trout, and pike on 50+ hours this year. we use lures and bait. bait being chubs and shiners we catch in the neshannock and big run creeks before hand which flow into the shenango about a mile apart from each other, I cant think of any explanations either. its sad to say the least though. where are all the fish going?
2015/08/04 10:35:45
I got news for you Mike it isn't my freezer that caused all the Walleye to disappear it's the discontinued Walleye stocking program . We've taken Walleye out of that river for over 30 years some years more some years less. Those ropes don't do any damage as long as" the stocking continues" as always. Walleye to me are more of a table fish than a fighting sport fish and they are about the only fish I do keep and eat. I don't think my pictures of the fish being caught at the sluices are a big secret many a fishermen has passed those waters over the years. Besides I'm that confidant in my fishing skills that other fishermen aren't quite as experienced especially in the snag infested tailrace waters! Speaking of complaining I think the river went up a notch after your posts . I bet I can catch a dozen smallmouth in that river in less than two hours........oh by the way pictures talk.... bullshxx walks ! I had to put my rope away and sell one of my freezers this year..........beware of Amish Mafia !

2015/08/04 15:22:50
A tail-race has always been a popular spot for fishing be it;  from a dam used for hydro-electric, milling, flood control, etc, etc..    This area provides easy access to anglers and a "hot spot" to sustain many species of fish.  That combination is going to draw fisherman like a magnet draws iron.
Problem is, being easy access and attracting so many anglers also draws stupid ideas from the PSUFBC.  Dum ideas like stocking the waters with fish that have a snowballs chance in he!! of surviving.  Ideas that capitalize on a money making scheme whereby, a angler must purchase a special stamp to fish such water even if the angler does not target said fish.  Ideas that display a total disregard for, and a great waste of, the hard earned money spent by anglers.  [Certainly John could use a little of this wasted money for SOS].  Ideas only simpleminded biologist could devise such as stocking such fish (aka; trout) into waters already well established with other fishes capable of survival and even reproducing.  Foolish ideas by educated people lacking common sense whereby; waters capable of sustaining trout, are not stocked.  Just unintelligent, ignorant, dull-witted, idiotic ideas.  
In closing, may I say, That's all I have to say about that................... this time. 
2015/08/04 23:51:22
Food for thought.......Where would Pymatuning Lake be today if no Walleye were stocked since 2007 like Shenango River ? In super bad shape for Walleye action ! I don't think fishermen fish Pymy to sport fish for Walleye and release them because they fight so well. No they fill their stringers , buckets , and live wells, with all the Walleye they can legally keep. Is there a problem with that ? Not really, because Pymy gets 4 million plus Walleye stocked every year. Put and take it's a revolving program ! When Shenango River was receiving 5-10 thousand Eyes per year once again no problem with many limits taken out yearly. Now it's 2015 and the Walleye numbers are way down.........so who's the bad guy here ? Don't blame the players blame the stocking game.
2015/08/05 11:06:00
Wow 12pages.

First one same as the last........ Jus say'IN
2015/08/06 23:44:20
I see your still reading.......must be just as bored too. Sucks to be talking when we all should be fishing. Waiting on a new forum to start soon hopefully with fish photos of recent catches.  

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