2017/03/14 16:25:16
I'm not knowing about wash stations and what they would be about. Just to hose a boat and trailer free of weeds, critters and, wash out livewells I would imagine.
2017/03/14 16:29:42
To answer some of the questions- Yes the invasive species check stations will be occurring once again this summer. We are also installing invasive species disposal stations at all launches around the lake including Ohio's and wash stations at Jamestown Marina, Espyville Launch, and Linesville Marina.
Didn't know how to do quotes.  THe above was from backpack girl
2017/03/14 16:47:18
I've never moored a boat, but from what I've seen at linesville over the years enjoy cleaning the seagulls chit off your boat :). Price you stated sounds on par with the few people I've known over the years that kept pontoons there.
2017/03/14 16:54:01
  Ya   I can already envision that white poop on my black boat
2017/03/14 17:55:57
Yea they are waiting on you Ops.......lol

Now if ducks and geese eat those Hydrilla plants at Pymy and fly over to Mosquito Lake and deposit their droppings there, are those seeds or whatever capable of spreading ? 
2017/03/14 18:01:35
Hmmmm, Pa does have reciprocity with Ohio CCW.......
2017/03/14 19:05:14
Well that cooking snakehead thingy was a flop. Rope-em and smoke-em! I guess.
2017/03/14 19:14:55
Big Tuna
PFC will be stocking them in mid summer when the water warms up in approved trout streams,of course you'll need a snakehead stamp. There delicious
2017/03/14 19:31:26
 Kind of off subject but funny, and perhaps one of many reasons most docks do not allow fishing off them. Years ago on Edinboro Lake there was a fella named Frank who had a Marina with docks. My brothers and I would fish everyday on those docks. One morning after a good rain half the boat covers had puddles in them and we decided to stock them . Well that was fine in the morning when it was cool. However by afternoon and hot Mr. Sun,  I don't have to tell you what the boat owners found. Amazing how fast fish turn. Well old Frank had some words with us and I am truly glad we were not around when it was first discovered. I have to say Frank was always good to us kids and he was to us a true gentleman. 
 Ah youth and getting a thrill out of catching 3" Bluegills.
C.H. Ducks and geese spread Perch eggs from one water to another I am told. I do not see why they wouldn't spread small pieces of vegetation.
2017/03/14 23:53:22
Opsman I don't know about that boat registration thingy but these people are listed as agents that can register boats in PA.


Hope this helps....

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