2015/09/23 18:52:49
they don't have beer in cincinnati?
2015/09/23 19:11:00
Yes, but my wife lives in Cincinnati.
2015/09/23 19:32:52
Sorry but have to ask this: are you ashamed of the life And family you've started???
2015/09/23 19:58:59
When the kids graduate HS and move on, then I'll bring her.  But for now, this is my little vacation.  
2015/09/23 20:34:35
I'd be taking my kids fishing, or doing things that they like to do, not taking long trips away. Then again that's just the way I was raised. Must do things different out in Ohio.  Since you brag about trips out west and elsewhere, it seems all a bit much. Then again I think about how nice it is on here when you stay away for awhile....
2015/09/23 21:16:29
Friend of mine said he was at the hatchery yesterday, and there were kings and cohos, pretty bright, just starting to color, and he could see one very bright steelhead in the ladder.  I think they are bolting up at night again.  But my trip just got cancelled by yet another funeral to go to. :(
2015/09/23 21:42:15
I was thinking this increased pressure (run and rip) in the early season would do the same as last year. I've noticed in other fisheries, heavy pressure and fish being scared repeatedly  puts them in a frenzied, very active state. I'm not an icthyologist, so I don't know what serves as the adrenal glands in fish and issues them the fight or flight response, but it makes eminent sense to me they'd book up the river in short order if pressured.  They say Kings will take a number of days to move all the way to the hatchery, but under pressure, I think that's shortened considerably. Thanks, Lucky and sorry for your losses. When you get to the river, it'll only be better. 
2015/09/24 07:07:37
Thx, Fichy.  I have the consolation that its not mine I am attending.
I've seen the flight response down river, where in the pre-Doug days we used to see fish heading upstream through the pines at dawn and by 0800 they were headed back to Joss due to the cross river line up and riff walkers that greeted them upstream.  Makes sense that some may bolt upstream, they are following an irresistible urge to get to that gravel.  One thing I have experienced is that whichever way they flee, they are done biting for a while, at least until they get balled up with a bunch of others and forget about the yahoos along the edge of the run.
Saturday should be warm enough to make it feasible to swing a Morrish Mouse or a Bomber through some tailouts for the early September Chrome.  May have to make my hot sauce Sunday so it won't interfere with what can only build from here as a run.  Or there is the Genny with only a 10 minute drive, although the thermal barrier seems to be limiting the run down there so far (unless you are a cricket thrower up in the small falls on the Maplewood side).
2015/09/24 07:56:20
I never thought of using a MM on the SR. The few I tied up  this year were destroyed by bass. Do you actually wake them through the tails?   So far, I've not had a steel take on the surface.
2015/09/24 09:10:21
A mouse pattern might be an interesting choice fishing a tail out at first/last light. 
I too have had mouse patterns torn to shreds by bass especially pre or post spawn.

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