2015/07/28 09:03:50
Randy Jones
Welcome back everyone for a New Season here on the Slam'n Salmon River in Pulaski Altmar NY
We have a few Bass, Brown Trout, Steelhead and Atlantic Salmon in the river presently. Mostly Bass.
Latest Report from Lake Ontario, which is a "possible - lil early" prediction indicator for the Salmon River NY - My Lake Ontario Charter Boat Capt. friends are telling me plenty of the 2 year old Salmon (20 lb. and below) but the 3 year olds (25 to 30 PLUS lb's.) are not as abundant. Time well tell....
I laughed the other day when 1 Charter Boat Capt. said to a Wade Guide on the Salmon River, that this year, he might not have to chase them as far down or up the river if they are ONLY 20 lb's. (yuk-yuk)
One Capt. commented that the Salmon fishing on the lake is better than last year. After glancing at 6 friends Charter Boat Capt.'s web pages, they all had a bunch of nice BIG Salmon being held up for the camera. Browns, Coho's, Kings and Steelhead.
The Capt.'s. are seeing more Salmon entering the Eastern Basin of Lake O.
It's a start and LOTS more bigguns coming your way!

I think I hold the World Record for the most consecutive days of thinking about fishing the Salmon River.

I'm the first person to EVER Bungee Jump off the Long Bridge over the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. Police were called and I was arrested ;) - (Please U-Tube subscribe for future Videos) - FISH ON!

Amazing Steelhead Video! - (Please U-Tube subscribe for future Videos) - FISH ON!
Sometimes its nice jus to watch and admire these 20 steelhead in there natural environment without fishing for them.
We both felt privileged to have the opportunity to witness and experience something soooo incredible! (Video Credit "Repeat Client" Allen K.)

Enjoy 262 Trophy Fish Photos from Salmon River Pulaski NY fishing guide Randy Jones w/30 yrs. Pro. Guide Exp.

Steelhead Video of Fly Fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY

Watch as John McMillan, science director for Trout Unlimited's Wild Steelhead Initiative walks through the proper technique to catch and release a steelhead, explaining the science behind it as he goes.
Interesting Mail Bag Q's from Drake: (Most Exciting species and time to target)
Hi Randy, I am looking to get into some some salmon/steelhead fishing this fall. I was checking out your website and it looked like something I definitely want to do. I am looking to book a trip for my self and a friend. We are both fairly experienced anglers, however we've never really fished for salmon/steelhead. What time of year would be best to book a trip? Also what type of trip would you recommend? Thanks, Drake

HI Drake, Super! All you need are chest waders plus fishing license.
Salmon - Best (personal preference) is last week Sept. and first week Oct. (Crowded)
Need lodging info?
Steelhead - Best is anywhere from Nov. all Winter into April. There really isn't any best time, jus personal preference. Mid-week is always best! (not on or around a holiday)

Randy, Do you think one is more exciting than the other? We both like to cast, and would love to hook into fish with a good fight. They both look like awesome fish, just wanted to see if you thought one was more fun. Drake

Drake, Great Q!
King Salmon pull steady and HARD! Rod doubled over stuff. They are bigger than the steelhead and sometimes reach over 30 lbs..
For exciting, then Steelhead would be my top choice! They are visually exciting to watch and fight as they tend to rocket 4 feet out of the water, somersault a few times, re-enter earths atmosphere with a BIG splash down with water spraying 20 feet in all directions, maybe do a lil dance - tail walk across the pool for 30-40 feet with the sun reflecting off its silvery sides and zippy, speeding silver bullet runs with water spraying off there backs. In a blink of an eye these Chromers can be up, down, across the pool and hopefully you will still be on your feet and not on your back.
Pretty exciting stuff! Recommend Early Nov. thru Mid. Dec. for this type of fight. Winter and Spring they slow down a tad, but are still great fight's.

Ever heard these?
W.C. Fields Quote: (you youngsters may need to google his name)
When he was asked what he spent all his money on?
Broads, Booze and Gambling, the rest I wasted.

W.C. Fields Quote on Death:
Remember, a dead fish can float downstream, but it takes a live one to swim upstream.

W.C. Fields Quote on Prejudice:
I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.

W.C. Fields Quote on Trust:
Trust everybody, but cut the cards yourself.

NEW -  Educational and Fun Videos on my NEW U-Tube page @ [link=https://www.youtube.com/c/YankeeanglerFishingGuideSalmonRiverPulaskiNYReport]https://www.youtube.com/c...onRiverPulaskiNYReport[/link]  (And u thought i was jus fish'n all summer. ;)

NEW - "Google Collections" @ [link=https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/105138196910324280417/+SalmonRiverNYGuideRandyJonesMexico/collections]https://plus.google.com/u...onesMexico/collections[/link] Check'm out! It compartmentalizes everything I've posted over the many years into its own folder.

"Money may not buy happiness..... ....but it'll buy fishing gear, and that's sorta the same thing"

May all your door knobs smell of BIG fish!
Best Steelhead and Salmon Fish's,


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2015/07/29 21:44:04
Randy is that king from the dsr?
2015/07/30 12:53:32
Yup, about 20 years ago. Its one of my favorites. My client Stan is about 4 feet tall ;), so it makes an already large King..... look even bigger. ;) Randy
2015/08/11 08:54:28
Today's Video Jokes - www.youtube.com/watch?v=n12YczdG2a8
August 11, 2015 - Salmon River Pulaski NY Fishing Guide Report Update:
A single credible report of a few Salmon in the Estuary and a few Salmon spotted in the lower river came in recently. And I quote - "from 3 credible sources" to said, credible source. Sounds credible! (yuk-yuk)

August 10

Our first King Salmon up the Salmon River in Pulaski NY is near. Time to double check all your knot's, bolts, screws, washers, drag's and all the rest of your stuff. These King Salmon are BIG and well put your gear, BUT mostly yourself... to the test.
They average 15 to 20 lb's. with some smaller but many larger!  I'm always amazed that an angler can simply walk to the rivers edge and pull out a 30 lb. Salmon.

On the Salmon River NY:
During our last high water period, I figured a few Salmon would enter the River. Which is normal. Haven't heard a word out of anyone. Time well tell..... Might be 1 or 2 lonely King Salmon in the deeper pools?
We have a few Bass, Brown Trout, Steelhead and Atlantic Salmon in the river presently. Mostly Bass.
In 2013 we had our first noticeable small run of approx. 40 King Salmon enter the Salmon River around August 7.

2013 Aug. 7th Mail Bag:
Randy, Went this AM fished above the (edited for content yukyuk)  till 8:30, saw three, hooked two, both broke me off. Joe

HI Joe, Thanks for the report! Waters so warm, they would have been fully cooked by the time you landed them. Would have made for a nice shore lunch. yukyuk Heard that there were more that ran from someone who stayed longer than yourself.  Another friend said he was in the lower river the day you were. He fished form 10:30 until 4pm and saw 6 fish. That low light and heavy steady rain certainly did the trick. Best Fish's, Randy

Another past year we had a flood in early Sept. and Thousands ran the river. Remember that last reeeelly good flood we had? Salmon were swimming in peoples basements and anglers were fishing in the parking lots off the Salmon River. We normally see a few here and there, run the river in August and then more and more into Sept. and Oct. Along with some Steelhead and Brown Trout.

Possible Early Prediction for the Salmon River NY? - A Sampling of Lake Ontario Charter Boat Capt.'s Reports: 
How's the salmon fishing compared to last year at this time?

I would say there are more this year. It improves everyday.
We have been getting a mix of year classes.
Kings and steelhead are here big time off the Salmon River.
An incredible day of fishing on the lake. It has been very good for a couple of weeks now but today, lots more fish. Big numbers of Salmon and Steelhead are now set up in front of the Salmon River over deep water.
(FYI - These post's were all backed up by credible Fish Pic's from that day)

After glancing at 15 Lake Ontario Charter Boat Capt.'s web pages, they all had a bunch of nice BIG King Salmon being held up for the camera. Also Browns and Steelhead.
The Capt.'s. are seeing more Salmon entering the Eastern Basin of Lake O. Pretty soon they'll be in the River! Ye-Haa!
((After last years Salmon Season on the River, I feel like placing a DISCLAIMER in here - I'm jus the messenger - yukyuk))

- Nice Family King Salmon, go'n on the dinner table. Congrats!
(8/10/2015 AP) The N.Y. State D.E.C. jus came out with a new report about 1 Major side effect of eating these King Salmon in the River, Genital shrinkage! ;)

FOR THE REST OF TODAYS SALMON RIVER NY FISH'N REPORT - http://www.yankeeangler.com/FishingReport.html (Also, some hot fish'n chicks in Bikinis! ;)
Best Fish's,


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2015/08/11 09:24:45
Let's hope the river doesn't fill up with 100's of people strewened on its banks... Meanwhile maybe only 100 salmon (most likely less) will be throughout a collective 13 miles... Let's face the facts folks... August salmon is what it is. Everyone has the right to fish but let's call a spade a spade... Not enough fish in the river to come close to satisfy all of the internet viewers across the world...
2015/08/11 09:39:43
Yup, these 3-4 Salmon will probably be cooked "well done" along the rivers banks, happily floating belly up, shortly, in Mid. August. ;) Randy
2015/08/21 14:27:48
The water level in the lower part of the Salmon River in Pulaski NY came up approx. 100 cfs. last night due to all the rain. Normally, you'll see a few Salmon enter and run the river. They should be cooked "well done" and "out of breath", by the time they hit the Ball Park during August. (yukyuk)
We should start getting reports of #'s of Salmon who entered and ran by later today or Sat. Normally, but not always, not enough Salmon to make a special trip up here this early, under these conditions.................... But, if I was to wet a line.... I'd fish from the Staircase down, before they get a sun burn ;)

Now, if the river was at flood stage or extremely high, then it might bring in a bunch as it did 7-10 years ago, early one Sept. I remember for a week, no one was fishing as the river was flooded. Then, the few locals (guides) that did fish after it receded kept quiet about the Thousands of Salmon that had entered, ran and spread out from the top of the Salmon River to the bottom. I found 1 out of the way pool that had at least 300 Bright Silver Kings in this Prime Holding Location that remained in it for the entire Month of Sept. Talk about fish in a barrel ;) I guided that spot almost everyday for the entire month of Sept. with hardly another sole around. This spot didnt have an official name, so I named it the Money Hole. I made so much Money by guiding my guests to those Fresh - Silver Salmon, in an out of the way place, for the entire Month, I thought the name was rather fitting :)
"geo.region" ="US-NY"
"geo.position" ="43.494271;-76.242644"
"geo.placename" ="PuckerBrushCreek-Money Hole-yukyuk!"

By the looks of the water gauge at the NORTH BRANCH SALMON RIVER AT REDFIELD NY its running reel good with last nights "flood warnings" and "heavy rain" we got. They had forecast up to approx. 2 1/2 inches in the Pulaski area and possibly 3-4 inches in the Tug Hill area. (Which is where we get most of our water from) This should continue to fill the reservoir's up nicely! I "expect" the normal scheduled water releases once the Salmon Season is truly upon us. I doubt we will see the 185cfs water releases like we did 1 year, while back, during Salmon Season.

Interesting "Very Positive" - Salmon River NY Read: [link=http://www.twcnews.com/nys/central-ny/news/2015/05/28/tracking-natural-reproduction-of-salmon-in-the-salmon-river.html]http://www.twcnews.com/ny...-the-salmon-river.html[/link]

How to Use a GoPro to Take Fish-Friendly Photos: [link=http://www.orvis.com/news/fly-fishing/video-tuesday-tip-how-to-use-a-gopro-to-take-fish-friendly-photos/]http://www.orvis.com/news...-fish-friendly-photos/
Best Fish's,
2015/08/31 08:50:07

Today's 8/31/15 Salmon River Pulaski NY Fishing Report
A few single Salmon and a "few - very small" pods of King Salmon have entered the Salmon River Pulaski NY. (Approx. 70-80 over the last week) Mostly during the low light, over cast and rainy days we've had.
Always figure a few more entered during the evening when the night watchman was a sleep ;)
Nothing to get excited about this early, in my opionion. But... if you lived locally, had nothing better to do, knew the lower river like the inside of your pocket, it might be worth a few hours of fishing around. A few folks have landed some.

1) Try early AM. for hopefully 1 or 2 running up the river, stopping along the way in the Temporary Transitional Holding Locations to rest briefly, before moving to the next.
2) Mid. morning (approx. 9:30am.) you could try the Prime Transitional Holding Spots where they will rest mid-day.
3) And then maybe a few drifts into a Prime Holding Location, were 1 or 2 might be hanging out.

If your not familiar with the previous 3 "critically important to your fishing interest's" Habitat Holding Location Terms for all Species of fish in the River. Then these 3 video's I made, will explain each one in ( to much ;) greater detail, coming from my 30 plus year Pro. Guide Experince. Enjoy!
(P.S. After watching the first video, you can skip the Repeated Intro. on the 2nd and 3rd by starting at approx. 1 min.  10 sec. and end at approx. 3 min. 2 sec.)
1) Temporary Transitional Holding - [link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrEc4-cC3oA&list=PLlWqnCjYul-QrKK15mfz7iTwkuOXGR83o&index=4]https://www.youtube.com/w...wkuOXGR83o&index=4[/link]
2) Prime Transitional Holding - [link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZuxHmiZcmg&index=5&list=PLlWqnCjYul-QrKK15mfz7iTwkuOXGR83o]https://www.youtube.com/w...QrKK15mfz7iTwkuOXGR83o[/link]
3) Prime Holding - [link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GTv_FSz8mY&list=PLlWqnCjYul-QrKK15mfz7iTwkuOXGR83o&index=6]https://www.youtube.com/w...wkuOXGR83o&index=6[/link]

BIG Water News:
Until 9:00 PM today, 185 CFS
From 9:00 PM today until 11:58 PM Sun, 335 CFS
This well help to bring some more in! How many? Weeeeeeer's that Crystal Ball of mine. ;)
PHOTO: I caught and released this King Salmon beauty on the Salmon River NY on August 1/15.
I think I hold the Trophy for the first one landed this year? ;)

Floats - Getting weight and leader - tippet tangles and or line twist when running your floats?
For line twist, place a micro swivel above the float and below your weight. (Expect more tangles due to the hinging effect or jus dont throw it as far ;)
For Tangles, use a blood knot above the float and below your weight, so no swivels (Expect more line twist without the swivels, if your casting your rig any distance ;)
I did an experiment once. No swivels, blood knotted everything. As I pulled my float thru the water in a STRAIGHT line, the float never twisted or spun once. But, when I pulled the float around a corner it spun quickly, developing line twist. So, if you drop your float at your feet and run your drift, there is no swing or corner it swings around as you initiate your retrieve. But, if you cast it 60-70 feet out, then you will always have a swing or corner to come around when you start to retrieve and will develop line twist.  So you may or may not want a swivel.

Advanced Steelhead float fishing strategies:
1) Peg your bead and then run a different colored egg sack on your hook. Double your fun, double your pleasure :)
2) You'll have to stop back next week for it ;)

Mail Bag Q on Best place to fish for Salmon Early Season:
Hi Randy, It's Mike Greer, you have guided me a few times for Steelhead. I was hoping you could give me some helpful tips about where to fish the river for best chance of success. I know the water is low and the weather has been warm, but I also know there are a few fish in the river and a few entering daily.
I'll be drift fishing some skein and cured shrimp, which has been extremely successful for Winter Steelhead for me.
We landed and released 11 gorgeous Steelhead over 5 hours of fishing. Again, thanks for all the teaching points of how to read the water, drift techniques, and fish behavior. Best Regards,  Mike

Hi Mike, Presently, I'd recommend the lower river. Ball Park, down thru Town and below to the Black Hole (by the water treatment plant) and if you dont mind paying to fish, I'd recommend the DSR. Good Luck! Randy

The Steelhead and Salmon Fishing of your Dreams..........       .........we'll mak'm reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel,
2015/08/31 10:23:41
English interpretation =
fishing is still so lousy even most all , if not all, of the locals who know the river intimately and don't have to spend zip on a special trip, shouldn't waste their time.
 Also- great job on that 2 year old fish- it must be deep in introspection after being caught as one cannot see its eyes.
2015/08/31 11:30:46
Seeing that DSR hasn't updated a report since the 28th I think its safe to say keep on tying all your favorite patterns there is still plenty of time before it's worth your time. Save your DSR money buy some materials and tie away.

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