2017/03/19 19:28:08
Big Tuna
We made the usual stop at Poor Richard's on a early spring trip for steelhead. After picking up some spawn,and other stuff. The owner ask if we'd be interested in some down rigger rods at a special price. My buddy jumps at it and buys two. We head down to the mouth to fish. We just get there,and my buddy says he forgot got something. Mind you we didn't even cast a line,I don't know how long it took to walk to the water and back,but those two new rods where gone,thieves took a screwdriver to the back of the RamChargers window. Bye Bye. Don't go anywhere around Cascade creek in the dark,you my not have a vehicle when you get back. A lot of thieves in NY also..  We moored the boat at Olcott and sleep on it at night, a ring of juvenile delinquents would slip up with a row boat and clean out charter boats or fishermen boats,anything of value,rods,riggers,tackle boxes. It took a while but they eventually got caught,small slap on the wrist and back at it again.
2017/03/20 03:24:55
Found a nice foldup turkey seat bout 5-7 years ago stuck in the mud beaver trapping still use it to this day, other than that cant think of anything crazy iv found or lost
2017/03/20 08:28:28
Talk about turkey hunting.....I'm out on game land #39 hunting Spring Gobblers. I come up on a orange hunting vest lying on the ground, next I see an orange hunting hat about 20 yards away, then I see a back pack about 10 yards further up. I'm wondering WTF is all this ?
Then I see him, a hunter crawling on the ground toward a gobbler strutting out on a fire lane !
Good thing that bird was that close he would have been naked if he had to crawl any further....lol
What some guys will do.....no he never got that bird.    
2017/03/20 10:13:08
I was working in the hardware store in Sandy Lake years ago and a fella came in and told us this sorry tale. He and friend were fishing Wilhelm in boat and returned to the launch to a dead battery. The popped the hood and golly someone stole the battery. Next outing same launch they return to boat and no start they again pop the hood and well at least the battery is there. Well they rummage around trying to figure out what's up and they discover someone had heisted their starter.
2017/03/20 13:27:43
Lake Wilhelm free auto parts ! Man , I hope those guys found another lake before the motor was gone next.....lol
Must have been the same bunch years ago on Lake Wilhelm. Had a guy at work tell me he was at the launch and walked up to use the bathroom , came back and his 5 hp. motor was gone when he got back !  
2017/03/20 13:44:20
To this day my bud swears he heard the guy fill his pants then turn and run to his car.  

Speaking of fillin' yer pants and running to the car . . .
I "found" a mama bear with two cubs last summer at Lake Arthur, while chasing wipers one night, a couple hundred yards from where I had parked while walking through the woods to get to the spot I wanted to fish.  
Reckon I was about 10-12 yards away from mama when I first saw her eyes glowing and thought, "Hmmm, that's awful big for a raccoon.  And it's not a deer."  'Bout that time my heart just about stopped and she bluffed at me a few steps.
I started yelling and clapping, and high tailed it back to my car in record time, and glad to say my waders cleaned up just fine.  
2017/03/20 21:29:00
He and friend were fishing Wilhelm in boat and returned to the launch to a dead battery. The popped the hood and golly someone stole the battery. Next outing same launch they return to boat and no start they again pop the hood and well at least the battery is there. Well they rummage around trying to figure out what's up and they discover someone had heisted their starter.

That's because when they heisted the battery, it didn't fix the car. But bad batteries ruin a lot of perfectly good starters, resulting in their replacement too.
Wouldn't ya just love to catch the ****holes in the act??
2017/03/26 19:06:46
3-4 years agoCaught a muskie at Wilhelm that had to of been hooked day or two before and got off, he had a $25 bucktail hooked on his mouth. Still have it, used it a few times but never caught anything. 
Found some dude's wallet with over $1000 in it at Beaver River but had his id in it so I returned it and he gave me $50 bill and a wal-mart gift card that had like $105 left on it that was in the wallet. He had already shut off the credit cards but he was so happy to get it back because of a few photos in there of his dead friend from the army/Vietnam
2017/05/07 21:43:58
Almost Lost - I'm fighting a nice Pymy Musky from shore next thing I know snap ! He breaks me off and is gone.... lure & leader both. I return the next day and there it is, floating atop the water about 30 ft. out. Put on another floater and hooked it back !
2017/05/07 22:48:10
3-4 years agoCaught a muskie at Wilhelm that had to of been hooked day or two before and got off, he had a $25 bucktail hooked on his mouth. Still have it, used it a few times but never caught anything. 
Found some dude's wallet with over $1000 in it at Beaver River but had his id in it so I returned it and he gave me $50 bill and a wal-mart gift card that had like $105 left on it that was in the wallet. He had already shut off the credit cards but he was so happy to get it back because of a few photos in there of his dead friend from the army/Vietnam

that was a great ending

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