2017/03/18 12:59:51
Fishing the yough rover a few years back, walked up to the steep bank to take a leak in the brush. As I'm releiving myself, through the leaves moving i see something shiny on the ground. I was pizzing all over someone's tackle box and 2 rods that they either lost or stashed there! I did not take them.
2017/03/18 13:04:43
Saw a bobber floating in a lake once, thought nothing of it. A while later I saw it again, up wind of the previous spot. A fish was dragging it around the lake! Couldn't help myself, I put on a large litle cleo spoon, hooked the line and reeled in the poor trout attached to the bobber. Released the Trout, kept the bobber.
2017/03/18 15:15:19
About 20 years ago during the middle of winter I was fishing below Uncle Johns.  It was pretty cold and I was bundled up.  I had been fishing a noodle rod with one of the styrofoam floats when I decided to remove the float to try and get down more.  About 10 casts later in the same hole I decided to change flies so I tucked the rod under my armpit and took the fly off.  Reached in the fly box and picked a new one out.  Tried to tie the new fly on and couldn't find the line.
Found out I had dropped the rod and reel from under my arm in the current and never felt it go.  If I had left the float on i probably could have seen it and found the rod.  Left a post on this site but never heard of anyone finding it.
The one thing I'm glad about was no one saw me do it.
2017/03/18 17:00:20
This is a lost and found!   Thirty years ago we used to fish Shenango for crappies at night.  Would head out right before dark and then come in just before dawn and the influx of boaters.  One morning, after loading up and heading down Rt 18 we realized we left my two new double coleman lanterns on the dock.  We would always take them out of the boat to cool while we loaded up.  Anyway, went back to the dock and sure enough, they were gone.
But not the end of the story....   We noticed that there were two "fresh" wet tracks that went from the water up to a truck and empty trailer.  The only vehicles in the lot!!!  At the time I worked in Sharon and my HR manager had connections with Sharon PD.  They ran the plate numbers and they came back to a small business owner in West Middlesex.   Well, my buddy and I go to visit him and sure enough, on his counter, cleaned up and minus the silver foil that I used to keep the back light from blinding us in the boat, were my two lanterns.  Only $25 each!!!  The guy said he didn't use them anymore and was selling them.
Using great patience, I explained to him that those were my lanterns, and how I had tracked them down to him.
He thought for awhile and said well since he found them and cleaned them up he would only charge me $10 each.
I  Told him that since he said he was selling them because he didn't use them anymore we would be taking them for free.
Got my lanterns back!
2017/03/19 10:28:21
We were fishing the tubes on Elk years back. Guy near me starts swearing and yelling, he's all ticked off. Seems he brought 2 rods that day to fish with and had leaned one along a tree near the bank trail. We'll, while he had waded out in the creek fishing someone walking by had helped themselves to his fly rod !
  Wow ....how low can some people be ! Slick too !
2017/03/19 11:05:37
Well when trout fishing I left my rod leaned on tree taking off boots left it there and drove off...I went up the road ...then oooooooSh**. My rod. Came back gone......loved the set up ....gone forever....was talking to a older person...his name Mo.....we also talk at Tim,s bait shop from time to Time about where we fished stoped in the next day for minnows ...Tim handed my rod to me....said Mo. found it new it was mine....thank him many times ...I have it yet it's been over 25 years... Thanks again Mo...in heaven God Bless ...
2017/03/19 11:57:35
Big Tuna
My buddy an I where fishing Walnut years ago (there was salmon then) We where fishing the wall. It was shoulder to shoulder. We had two apiece and I hooked my third,my buddy says where the net,I said right behind me. Yea those local rift raft carried my new long handle net away. I just bought that net,first trip 4 dips and gone. I looked for that special one of a kind net for two seasons and gave up.lol To the thief that has it my initials are engraved in a secret part of the handle. I hope for your shake it's long gone. I love thieves.
2017/03/19 14:14:00
Mountian Man
Yoga pants
2017/03/19 16:41:06
Sounds like that same dude made his rounds back then !
Lost- The thieves that got me Erie fishing weren't as slick. Actually rather crude..... they smashed out my rear Blazer window and emptied it out.
State Police said that's a common move on fishermen who travel far from their vehicles to fish!   
2017/03/19 17:38:18
Had an experience a couple years before the great lantern caper.  Same buddy and I are spring turkey hunting and are set to go trout fishing in the afternoon at Salmon run.  After hunting, my friend said he didn't feel so hot and was going to crash in the back seat and join me later.  
About an hour into his nap he heard some odd noises to find someone trying to run a hanger down the window of the car to break in!   Imagine their surprise when my buddy emerges from under hunting clothes in the back seat clutching his 12ga (albeit unloaded) shotgun!
To this day my bud swears he heard the guy fill his pants then turn and run to his car.   Sorry I missed that one....

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