2017/03/16 20:36:35
What's the best or oddest thing that you found fishing or that you lost !
Lost a new long handled rubber net over the side of the boat up on Presque Isle Bay , thought they floated awhile....not !
Found an old bottle along the Niagara River buried in the shore gravel. Not broken maybe early 1900's !
Found a German made folding knife like new in Tionesta Creek.
2017/03/16 21:07:03
Found hot blonde 1974 1st day ov trout Deer crick Indianola. Was a good summer!!

2017/03/16 22:31:47
pheasant tail 2
Quite a few years back, I lost my fishing license on January 1st. Go figure.
2017/03/16 23:23:10
walleye taker
Was at Pymatuning about 20 yrs ago off manning drifting when rod went down set hook and knew right off I hook a big one or so I throught when I got it to the boat it was a 8 track player. Go figure and I only owned cassettes at the time had to throw it back. :)
2017/03/16 23:28:28
walleye taker
Another time was drifting and rod went down set hook started to play the fish and it felt good at first but no real fight continued to wind and when it got to boat I had hooked a ball cap right in the bill of the hat and it felt like a fish moving in the water lol.

And just last year off the sunken island I hooked a disk hire that was one of the springs off it. Crazy what is in that lake
2017/03/17 03:06:24
Big Tuna
Never lost or found much stuff of great value,found a small tackle box with trout spinners and some tungsten ice jigs. A wad of money in front of a Sheets by shenango, nice weed eater on a highway,a lot of lures on islands on Pymy. Sort of found a 16 gauge side by side, I met a friend years ago for a rabbit hunt. He could only hunt till noon,but I continued to hunt till 3pm. I came back to my van put the hounds in the dog box. Pulled out and turned around to head home looked across at where I parked leaning against a big oak was his gun. He didn't even realize he left his gun there for 3 days,and I didn't tell him I found it till day four. lol Had a bunch of things stolen,two grizzly ladder stands, a brand new lock on,two cameras one wildlife nation $100 model and one $200 plus cuttyback with a lock box. I love thieves,can't wait walk up on one,when I'm packing. Not worth what I'd like to do,but it be fun to scare them. lol 
2017/03/17 08:19:08
Many years back I was riding with a friend at the Quemahoning Dam.  He stopped on the bridge and said "do you see that tree sticking out of shallow water about 10 yards from shore?  Last week I was right about here when I heard someone screaming for help.  I looked over towards that tree and there was ............. up to his armpits in mud!  He saw a bunch of lures on the tree and bought himself a new pair of waders so he could get them.  He got to the tree and that was it!  He asked me to call the fire company, but not to tell them it was him (he had previously turned in a false alarm)".  After a lot of laughs and a lot of messing with the guy my friend did call the fire dept.  He was there when they came and used the ladder truck to pluck the guy from his new waders.  I looked besides the tree and you could still see the tops of his waders sticking out of the mud.  Since that day every time I go over that bridge I have to smile.  Oh, I don't know how many lures he found!
2017/03/17 08:34:22
Found a clear plastic lure box busted up on the side of the road near Elk Creek years ago. Must of fell out of a boat or off a car roof. Had to have had 30 spoons in it. Mostly KO wobblers and Cleos.
Lost two wallets in one week ! Left one on a car roof after swimming, 2nd one fell out while riding my motorcycle. Actually got both back weeks later.......no money inside...but I was happy to get all the other important cards back.  
2017/03/17 09:29:03
Found a St. Croix 10' noodle rod and spinning rod & reel that must have fallen off a car on way out of Elk Creek access It was a rainy evening and didn't see them in time and ran over the noodle rod. That ruined the St. Croix. I reported them to the tackle shops, but no one ever claimed them. Also found a tackle box under the Lake Wilhelm causeway bridge that had assorted fishing equipment in it and a nice Zebco reel. Reported that to the office. No one ever claimed that either.
Nearly LOST my life going ice fishing at Lake Wilhelm. Found out the hard way taking a shortcut down a road to the lake posted no winter maintenance means what it says. Jumped the pile of snow blocking it to find out part way down the hill was all ice. The old '87 Escort took off like a sled. I was hoping the ice was going to be thick enough when I got there to hold it. Thankfully there was a spot where the sun had melted the road bare for about 50' and got the car stopped. Never took that route again......   
2017/03/17 10:01:11
I think I lost something, but I seem to be having trouble 'membering what it is???😕

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