2015/10/16 09:53:55
Wayne I heard that story... Man that's a good one :). Glad to hear guys are getting out. I'm probably gearing up to target chrome either Monday or Tuesday of next week :D
2015/10/16 09:59:39
yeah went across river with my phone as my flash light not sure how I made it. then a good death march. well worth the price of admission.
2015/10/16 16:56:20
Clint S

So I got up at first light and was able to get a few hits, but nothing stuck. I was finally able to get a good take and land this Ho. I also played with a few steel and other Ho's that jumped and spit.
As the morning went on the anglers increased and I think I know why.
It seems like every time I go I complain about something or observe something not quite right. Well today îs  no different. Are folks so stupid and ignorant they do not know a fish I foul hooked????????? Had a guy across from me hooking up left and right. He was the know all type, lecturing to those across the river on which fly was '' working''  of course they were eating it up an switching flys at his command. Almost every fish was fouled. It's pretty easy to get hook ups when every fish leaves the rap**** and sits in front of you. CAST SWEEP LIFT. That's it. Pretty easy to tell when the tail end is facing up stream and that is the direction the fish is moving too. They move sideways through the water too.  Different folks same stuff. People above me, they would be chasing a fish and I would tell them ''  it's hooked in the dorsal, you ain't gonna turn it around in the fast water.''   I would get excuses like '' It was a good hook up there, the line wrapped around it'' or ''that's not my hook in it's ****'' I would just laugh and wait for the line to snap or for them to get wet. It was a humorous morning.  I basically had a real nice stretch to myself so to each their own.
I left and hit a few other spots from mid river up to the ball park and saw and had no luck.
I guess you can put nothing with letters 1D in it anymore.
2015/10/16 17:58:59
Nice report, and fish, Clint.  Thanks.
2015/10/16 18:34:36
Cool. Ho-tastic! Sounds like me in the Joss a few weeks ago. Why don't we just make a recording?
Break it off, it's hooked in the azz, repeat, break it off it's hoo....
2015/10/16 18:57:37
Nice Clint.
How late were you there.
I decidfed to wait until it was light then pull the tent and pack up so I would be driving back and forth.
Got to the LFZ around 9:30. Waked up to the church where I had seen a car like I remember you had but by the time I got there it was gone.
Walked down the steps but didn't see yo  and it was packed so booted up and strolled to the UFZ.
OK a couple points.
UG the death march in the DSR is further but the walk is easier.
Tunes The walk to DB's and back tp P town and the first walk in and out was the same day.So maybe it wasn't 10 miles but a rugged hike nonetheless when  going up hugging the river.
Had tug of wars with a couple dozen kings over the last 2 days.
Oh and did I mention I'm an overweight pansy.
2015/10/16 21:50:10
Clint S
I left at around 1100 I think. At 0930 it was probably the peak of #'s people.  I was standing on the rocks at the tail. I took turns fishing the tail and the rifles right down from the tail. Had that whole area to myself.
2015/10/17 02:42:55

 The legendary kings of Zipperlip Creek.

A walk down memory lane for PA!
2015/10/17 02:50:19
Got to love  photobucket for adding whatever that is at the bottom!
2015/10/17 07:02:15
That's amazing at this time of year. Clint. Thanks for the pics, 2b, the crowds are stunning.

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