Saw a few on stringers- most had 'the fin'.
Also saw how most with stringers 'fished'.
Guys I spoke to who had been on the Lake had similar reports as those from Rich.
Had one come up and hold in a pocket I was kinda watching so I put a fly over it a couple of times-was the only time my line got wet in 2 days.
Another 'fisherman' saw me and ran right over and pushed the fish outa the pocket then ran up after it slashing away from behind.
That's when I left.
Was a time that a few strong words and eager anticipation of whatever followed mighta happened-but ya cant change the tide - they aint worth the effort and am getting too old for it-especially when its the norm rather than the exception.
Never like to be on the River for weekends and Holidays but this was my only window--might no be able to get back till late Sept.