2017/06/26 08:47:06
Dang, not the best report...  On the bright side, at least it didn't happen on the Delaware Bay trip or cause an accident.
2017/06/26 10:03:36
True dat Pork.  Imagine that blowout on the beltway.  
The fish part of the report... after doing everything I could think of for walleye (drifting, slip bobbers, even trolled hotNtots) we parked in some thick lettuce in 3 fow.  Caught half a hundred fish, mostly perch and mostly small enough that we could have used them as bait.  I killed about 4 in a row that swallowed my hook and they were floating 100 feet from the boat in one spot for some reason... until an Osprey came down for a snack.  He was like "thanks bro!" as he flew off with a perch.  Circle of life eh?  Oh, the bald eagle thought about it but I think he was waiting for us to kill him a salmon or something.  Did manage 8 of the biggest bluegills I've ever seen.  Fully bigger than your hand 'gills, 9" plus.  I boxed them just for the novelty of fillet_sized bluegills.  Added 3x 9" perch, so I have enough fillets for a meal.  And one channel cat that probably went 16" went back.  He was mouth hooked and I have more than enough catfish packed away.  
This is the main reason I don't branch out to other lakes.  Wilhelm, Shenango, etc.  Because short of lucking into the right pattern you just don't have a good way to put yourself on fish.  Or I might say that Pymie isn't a bad lake, I'm just bad at it.  

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