2017/06/23 18:48:48
Captain the last I heard of weeds being bailed was at Tamarack Lake and that was before the lake was drained the first time.

Old Dog says he isn't getting a response from the 'PennState Fish and Boat Comm.' so I'm thinking, they are just too busy putting red dye in the water; controlling needed fish habitat with herbicides; testing water to see if it is clear or murky along with the temperature and; catching fish in nets so they can report, great Walleye fishing in PA. 👀
2017/06/24 07:35:18
Big Tuna
I need a new spot to hunt deer. HaHa........ Anybody feel sorry for an old guy that hasn't shot a deer in 25 years.  lol 
2017/06/24 13:21:48
Try Deer Park ! loaded....lol
2017/06/24 15:29:58
Dadburn it Captain.... NO spotburning!!!!
2017/06/26 16:41:19
You guys are hilarious.
2017/06/27 08:26:12
buzzard swamp great walk but bring
your insect repellent

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