We are so very far from many of the issues brought up herein--
Ex- Most every tackle shop up there sells #1 hooks and flies- Sells those heavy spin rods with salt water reels and 40 lb line already on the reels, also most sell fly rigs with 'running line' already on them ( for those who wonder- running line is a fly reel full of heavy spin line instead of fly line).
They also have racks of weights with muzzle loader sizes prominently displayed.
Shops are there to make a living and this stuff sells--
The one thing I haven't noticed lately is the two foot ready made rigs of #1 hooks and very heavy ( 40 lb?) leader with a swivel.
Likely stopped that when the swivel laws changed and ya can now just tie on to the 40 lb line at will.
Yes-I was one of those guys for a long time and know whats offered------
Its the way they said it should be because- as we all know- they don't bite----
It starts at the beginning----