2015/10/22 09:03:14
hot tuna
Well 13, I know all about chrome, he also wanted a 25" length limit . You are right and I read the lake forums views, more salmon, less lakers ( even though they are putting fish on clients rods ) and the DEC has no clue on how to manage the fishery, sad to read at times.

The DSR did enact an no kill trout rule , I'm not in favor of their ruling and just another nail in their coffin for me to give up my pass. Would it reduce the number of anglers on the river ? Maybe but don't you think the fly zones are pretty crowded now with a C&R rule in place ?
I'm not a big fan of making more regulations until the current ones are really enforced. People always seem to " find " away around the regulations to fit their methods.
What the river needs is more fishermen and less BS , until the BS ers bet slapped then no matter what changes as far as regs, things will always be the same
2015/10/22 09:09:54
I agree Tuna
There needs to be a shift in attitude.....not sure how that happens, but it does (both in good and bad ways)
I also agree that more laws will do nothing without those already there being enforced.
Fun to kick around ideas :)
2015/10/22 17:19:36
The weight thing is huge, I agree with Wayne. It makes the illegal fishing possible. With good technique you can get down in the column, even if you are trying to floss fish, but that still takes acquired skill. Running around with a string of marbles driving hooks into fish you've chased down or waited for  not only is kind of barbaric, but it also brings the least of sportsmen out in droves. I guess it's fun in its way, it just isn't anything that you can look at seriously and call  fishing. You can be wasted out of your mind and still hook big fish. Kind of takes the fun out of it knowing they're as hard to hook as sunnies. Bring back a section of snagging zone and impose a weight limit and enforce the laws. It'd make a difference. It'll never happen, though.  You can pack people in like sardines if they're fishing illegally. It takes a little space or rotation (God forbid)  to be legal. In light of that, it seems like a speed trap mentality to ticket people in the Town Pool for lifting. How the hell else do you fish when you're 5 feet from the next guy and have such a short drift? Turn it into a snagging zone and be honest about it. No crickets, just allow people to continue what they're already doing.
   Talking about attitude changing, every incident of violence, theft, rudeness, carelessness, and of being a slob gets condoned under the all forgiving "it's salmon season, always been this way, always will. I've heard that far too many times as of late.
2015/10/22 18:46:47
If the DEC would enforce the rules already on the books AND make a attempt to educate the public that the salmon will hit a properly presented fly/lure if you FISH for them( the state did promote the idea that they DO NOT HIT) maybe things could change.
L13there are fly fishers and then there are stealth lifters,unfortunatly the last several years the latter has really increased.
How about the entire river going fly gear only with very little weight added.?
2015/10/22 18:54:23
Was up about 3 weeks ago and some fish were in front of me for a bit and a guy walked up behind me and said I had to put on a couple of larger weights in addition to my bbs
He said I was clearly going right over them and could never 'hit' them with so little weight on. 
2015/10/22 18:56:54
How about the entire river going fly gear only with very little weight added.?

that, my friend, is what they call the place you go if you've led a good life....
2015/10/22 19:02:54
How about the entire river going fly gear only with very little weight added.?

that, my friend, is what they call the place you go if you've led a good life....

I can dream......right?
2015/10/22 19:03:48
   For me, it's the nightmare of fishing the Town Pool for eternity, getting my line crossed by some slob over and over and over and ov......  
I gotta kinda hope there ain't nothin' waiting.
2015/10/22 19:11:47
hot tuna
Zero weight on the river would be awesome..
I think me and 3 fan would have an absolute blast plugging pee wee warts 
2015/10/23 17:35:00
Hmmmm, if I couldn't take the other seat, I suppose I'd spend some time with a noodle rod and Rapalas. I bet a jointed fire tiger would roust a few.
If I could only use a floating line and unweighted flies, I'd probably spend some of the time spinning.

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