2017/09/22 11:29:09
Roy I don't know if I should 😂 or 😭. Carp goo splat!!!

Regarding a lake without Carp. There is studies regarding Grass Carp and they're affect in ponds and lakes. Proponents claim Carp help control weeds and algae while opponents claim Carp control only certain vegetation and actually promote algae.

Olds-pa the situation at Pymie a test? Being a optimistic pessimist at heart, I like the thought but I doubt this was a induced experiment of the PFBC kind. But I betcha it's been pondered in controlling those flying rascals the states are hoping to keep out of the big lake.

However I'm not so certain the PGC wouldn't try this tactic, in controlling deer numbers.

Well this being Friday and the day of The Fish Fry I'm off to get me a dinner of deep fried goo splat!!🍻
2017/09/22 13:33:01
The virus could be a solution to the Asian carp problem in the Mississippi 😈😈😈
2017/09/22 13:38:22
The virus could be a solution to the Asian carp problem in the Mississippi 😈😈😈

wonder if it would affect them the same way......
2017/09/22 14:20:13
This is most likely caused by the tourism with the carp at the spillway. This lake is WAY over carrying capacity for carp. Mother nature has a way to thin the herd. Disease is one of them.
2017/09/22 15:13:09
Ugly Stik
I've often wondered why carp weren't commercially farmed from the lake. I'd bet the lake will recover without ill effects. Look at the thousands of salmon that die during the runs. Vultures have to eat too.
2017/09/22 15:45:39
Its not so much the fact you may get sick from eating the fish its the fact that the stench and stink along the banks and at the launch ramps id flat out terrible. Wife and I went to Wilhelm this am and had a graet day actually catching fish no stink no smell and actually a lot of bites the crappie were hungry and we got some nice slabs. sure beats the last 15 times ive fished pymatuning the water looks and smells lousy along the banks.ive also think the carp situation has hurt the local business like a ghost town up here very few boats on lake.
2017/09/22 16:22:31
How about a few pics of that mess ?
Where they tossing all the dead ones ?
Is this dead fish cleanup being setup with the State Park people , or Pa. and Ohio Fish Commissions or is this all volunteers ?  
Nice catch Ice !
2017/09/29 07:22:03
The Russians did it!
2017/09/30 00:17:09
Kokanee Killer
I am interested in seeing what happens to the Pymatuning ecosystem without the carp. I believe that carp eat a lot of fish eggs and insect larva. Not positive of that but I figure that's what they are rooting in the mud for all the time.
Without the carp, will there be more forage for the baby sport fish? 
Will the sport fish populations rise because more baby fish survive?
Will the insect/larva who live their larval stage in the water level rise? 
Will the number mosquitoes rise?
Will having more mosquitoes, cause greater incidence of mosquito borne illness? 
I guess we all stay tuned to find out. :)
P.S. I've done a few searches for answers to the questions I asked above, because Koi Herpes has hit other lakes, but I haven't found any info yet.

good info
2017/10/02 08:53:37
Seems like the numbers of dead carp is dwindling. Saw about 2 or 3 new ones in our dock area, VS 10 to 15 in the past 3 weeks.  Took my boat out at the Espyville Launch and saw 2 that were still alive but obviously dying. The stench wasn't as bad as it was the past three week, but still pretty stinky.
Stupid Herpes. (To borrow a BTDT phrase)

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