2017/09/21 09:14:17
I haven't seen a baitfish decline on Shenango in 10 years and it's loaded with Stripers and White Bass feeding on them. It's been heavy with schools of Shad almost every year I've fished it. Numerous pods of surface Shad are common sights every Spring. I'd expect Pymy won't change much either unless some disease wipes out tons of baitfish. Good numbers of baitfish are a plus for predatory fish but sure makes catching a lot harder!  Just strange to see such a quick drop in Walleye catch rates this year.   
2017/09/30 11:23:05
Went to Shenango Dam yesterday to watch them inspect the lower dam and outflows. I don't know how often they do it but they actually have a full crew of people atop the dam and 3 men in a boat that actually walk inside the shut down sluice gates and do visual inspections. Could not get over how bad the water smelled flowing out ! Smelled like a mix of sewer gas and propane ! Never in all my years have I smelled the water stink that bad . Just wonder if it's a mix of dead fish bacteria from Pymy flowing through. Didn't stay very long !   
2017/09/30 13:18:26
I just passed over the reservoir not more then a hour ago. Surprised to see the water level looking like normal summer pool.

Couldn't see if the boat docks were pulled at the rec area. Vegetation on the rt18 causeway so overgrown. That use to be a pretty sight while crossing the lake.

Good question about that oder you find to be so strong Captain. As much as the sluices were used this summer, I'd have to wonder if the oder would be coming from them.
2017/09/30 21:37:54
I have no idea why it smelled so foul maybe from them shutting and opening different sluice gates today. Might have just stirred up a lot of water and bottom lake and river sediment. If Pymy smells that bad forget fishing !
2017/09/30 22:50:32
Don't know about Pymie Brock, haven't fished there since early May. In fact, haven't fished anywhere since May. Excuse me (self pity party(😟)) OK all better now.

I would liken that smell to the oder of a piece of old black pipe natural gas line. Not that I'm insinuating anyone (we know) goes around sniffing old gas pipe. But it ain't like smelling roses either.

With those thoughts fresh in mind I now have to wonder, how the hell do I come up with this stuff???

Stupid old gas pipes.
2017/10/01 00:38:36
I'll let you all know what pymie smells like tomorrow. It'll probably just be taking the boat for a ride dragging cranks with hopes of either a smaller toothy critter or their larger cousins bite. I can say at least I havnt lost a lure yet this year!
2017/10/01 05:36:01
the odor is a natural action, result of geosmin blue green algae and bacteria.
2017/10/02 08:57:10
I learned a new word today "Geosmin."
Geosmin is the reason my wife doesn't like to eat beets. There, I used it in a sentence. :)
Thanks sky!
2017/10/02 09:31:07
Use Geomins in a sentence??

I can't even pronounce it!!!
2017/10/04 14:29:48
Inspecting the dam / 7 gate sluices


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