2017/09/13 10:17:47
Mike ....  Sounds like I need to hire either Chauncy or Bings for some lessons, or their "guide service's."   Is there anyone who works as a "guide" on Pimie?  
Later  Chuckles
2017/09/13 10:36:26
Chuckles there is the Espyville Marina which gives quicker access to the shallow north waters, is right at the Causeway and just north of of the red zone.

Smally Hunter's recommendation along with the info provided by Yote and Bings sound like your best bet to get started.

As for Pymie guides, yes there are.
2017/09/13 11:13:30
There's also the Orchard Ramp just to the east of "Bing's Red Circle."  As of Labor day weekend the Orchard ramp had quite a bit of sand on top of it making launching a bit diffcult, but I was still able to launch my 16 foot Sea Nymph.
2017/09/13 22:26:47
I highly doubt those Pymy guides (if there are any ) did much this year on Walleye. Just too many good fishermen struggled all season steady. Musky fishing was fair, Walleye was a total crash.
2017/09/13 22:50:38
Capt. there is absolutely guides (maybe self-proclaimed) for Pymie.

Just watch for the "party toons" loaded to capacity with der Amish yah? lol

Seriously though there is one I would recommend, not from experience but from, number of years he has been providing the service.

Be no doubt though, if I were paying for a guide, I'd certainly be talking to Kenny first.
2017/09/14 07:23:01
   O.K.  (Guide for Pymie) Who is Kenny??
Now, let's see.  Let's play "20 questions."
   1   Is he and older  gentleman?  
   2   Does he frequently post on this  NW Pa. board ?
   3   Retired ?
   4    Could it be  Bings ?   No/ Maybe  He fishes for Steelies.
   5   Could it be Chauncy ?  No/ Maybe  He fishes for Crappies.
   6   Could it be Captain Hook ?  No? Maybe  He fishes for Muskies.
   7   Could it be  BeenThereDoneThat ? No No  He can't catch any thing.
                   (if you believe his post, he can't even catch a cold)
Oh, by the way.  I've got until next year to figure out who Kenny is? With Irma moving through, we might not get to take my brother-in-law out fishing.  Other tips on fall fishing on Pymie is welcome.
    8   Could he wear a straw hat ?  
2017/09/14 07:33:34
WTH, I can too catch a stupid cold..... sometimes. Well maybe.

Pssst keep this under your hat cause people know I don't spot burn or nothing like that. 'cept to people I would like to see have fun fishing and maybe do some catching too.

Kenny is .... (wait for it).....................

.Nahhhhh sorry I can't do it.

But I will drop the name of a guide if you are interested. Never fished with him, only know who he is.

PS. You got mail.
2017/09/14 10:52:16
WTH, I can too catch a stupid cold..... sometimes. Well maybe.

Pssst keep this under your hat cause people know I don't spot burn or nothing like that. 'cept to people I would like to see have fun fishing and maybe do some catching too.

Kenny is .... (wait for it).....................

.Nahhhhh sorry I can't do it.

But I will drop the name of a guide if you are interested. Never fished with him, only know who he is.

PS. You got mail.
well I have to say visiting this site is surely intertaining ... y'all make my day πŸ‘.. we have something in common BTDT we can both catch colds ... have one now,been doing most of my fishing on Wilhelm just stocking up on crappies . Going to try the eyes next week I think, from watching some posts not missing much at Pymie . Now BTDT one thing I caught was poison ivy ... yep fun times , checking my game cameras guess I need to look a little closer but I'm gaining . ... I do have a nice buck on camera so maybe worth it.....well guys that's all I got now get back to entertaining me πŸΊπŸΊπŸ‘
2017/09/14 10:59:44
Hey BTDT ....Just in case you ask were's the picture πŸΊπŸΊπŸ‘


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2017/09/14 15:33:09
Nice Mopars very nice! Hope ya get a chance to poke him with a stick.

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