• Northwest PA
  • Do not eat the fish in the shenango river. (p.4)
2017/08/23 22:53:15
Quote ....."DEP has contacted the public water suppliers that withdraw water from this area of the river.
These water suppliers have been conducting annual monitoring for PCBs. Samples from earlier this year did not show any presence of PCBs in the water itself. 
These systems have agreed to increase the frequency of monitoring to quarterly to ensure ongoing compliance with the drinking water standards for PCBs."
Maybe I'm missing something here so correct me if I'm off. The EPA along with the Pa. Fish Commission is warning everyone Don't Eat Shenango River Fish do to high levels of PCB's in fish tested. The water companies are saying the water was fine when tested early this year but we'll test it quarterly ! Quarterly ! Thousands of people are drinking this river water daily and they will check it for PCB's quarterly. They only check it once a year ! How nice of them to show concern about all the reports over the years. Sounds like they don't care to be in any hurry to check in to this latest one. So if their testing would be off the charts for PCB's that means we were drinking it since January !
I'm lost Mr. EPA don't eat the fish once in awhile but drink the same water daily !  
By the way if the EPA or any of the health departments need any more samples I got a few bags of Shenango Walleye fillets in my freezer they can have for further testing .   

2017/08/23 23:21:30
Capt I feel your pain, I've been searching for test procedures used and how the fish test are conducted. Haven't found the actual test procedures but have found how the test are conducted for fish consumption along and around water supplies. Problem is, I can't find a thing listed for PA.

Perhaps if a few of us send a request for such testing practices we miiiiiiight get a answer?

Do you have a email link readily available to post so we may send a request?

I am on my phone so I don't expect to find much using Google but I'll start a search for info specifically for PA.
2017/08/23 23:29:49
Ummmm..... I'll be hammered, I found this and Ain't no way I'll try and explain. You be the judge.

2017/08/24 08:04:16
OK I've finished reviewing the link provided on my previous page and I find that yakkity smakity blahh blah..... blab blah, blabitty. etc.etc.etc.

I did find upon speed reading through many...many many and many other pages the following link, which may be of interest to PA. residents.

In summation, I learned there is a whole bunch of people with nothing to do; working in a equal amount of never heard of agencies; with a boat load of time on their hands.

2017/08/24 09:29:07
I'm lost on all this EPA posted information.
Simply put , if it's not in the water then how does it get into the fish ? I get this.... big fish eat little fish.... what do little fish eat that's in the water ? Again...  In The Water !
Can somebody figure this out for me because they say it's not in the water, just in the fish ?????  
2017/08/24 10:34:09
You ain't alone Captain!

I'm somewhere between "lost and found".

There are agencies responsible for the data and there is agencies using the data to bolster their agenda.

But nobody seems to know what data was taken; how, where, why, when, or how often?
2017/08/24 11:28:00
Walleye jigs
Do you guys really think the fish you buy at the store is any safer?
2017/08/24 12:02:01
Walleye jigs
Do you guys really think the fish you buy at the store is any safer?

Dadburn-it Jigs I just had a dozen breaded deep fried jumbo shrimp for dinner yesterday.

Now you tell me........

I think I'll be OK though cause I'm pretty sure they came from a place where they don't
have to worry about PCBs.... testing. 🙈🙉🙊
2017/08/24 12:05:51
In fact the fish you buy at store is many times worse.Vietnamese shrimp,Gulf shrimp and fish farms. Farm raised fish is the worst as far a pollution goes.There really isn't an agency to monitor them and if there was do you think a government agency would do a good job of monitoring the industry Really
2017/08/24 12:19:51
Walleye jigs
I use to subcontract to a local utility company and remove PCB transformers that were in an enclosed environment and the union didn't aloud their members to do the work. Wonder what happened to all that oil!  My dad worked for a company that manufactured and rehabed old transformers, told me they use to walk along the train with picks to drain the ones that were to heavy to lift. The property couldn't be sold but they did build a Super 8 on it. However to be fair I'm positive the Indians followed all the laws when building their motel! Or is that what they mean by "No tell motel"?

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