• Northwest PA
  • Do not eat the fish in the shenango river. (p.3)
2017/08/22 22:17:10
I remember these warnings before, I can't remember exactly but I think it was around 2005 they dredged back of Sharon tube / Westinghouse.
I remember the orange floats and removal equipment.
Also mercury warnings from way back.
2017/08/22 22:42:57
Captain Hook, were any of those sites you mentioned targets of the "Superfund" clean up. Maybe nobody raised enough hell about it. Remember that place up in NY above Buffalo? What was it called??? (****, my memory is failing me). Anyway, they bought out and moved the whole community. I think that pollution was from Union Carbide. Here locally, they're still dealing with the NUMEC fiasco over in Apollo, Pa. My older brother worked at Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corp. back in the late '60s. He'll be 69 in October, and he's had 3 different kinds of cancers so far, plus it has been found that he grows bones where there aren't supposed to be any. NUMEC was one of the very first companies to supply fuel rods for the Nuclear Submarine program. There are two heavily contaminated sites up there, and one is right on the Kiski River. Still gonna be bad news for a long time. The Kiski dumps into the Allegheny at Freeport.

Love Canal?
I knew a lady who's family was really messed up from that disaster...she died at 53...
2017/08/22 22:59:23
Ever watched "Erin Brockovich"?

Last I heard she is still active.
2017/08/23 02:56:39
Big Tuna
Although I caught tons of fish from this water way,I've eaten very few. Ice crappie are usually fillet and given away. I caught hundreds of eyes from the outflow of Pymy down stream and have introduced them to Crisco. It's pretty tough to find fish that don't have some toxic things in them in the whole state. Even the stock pellet heads are not safe for consumption.lol
2017/08/23 09:16:22
Yea I've actually seen the "Love Canal " area in NY while heading up fishing the Niagara. It's all older homes in Buffalo near a huge older landfill all empty ! Might be all demolished by now, that was about 25 years ago or more. Dow Chemical was a lead company behind all that ground poison destruction I believe.
One has to wonder how & where these PCB's are coming from to increase that number so high. Like we said earlier most of the industries along the river are gone or monitored. If it is this old dump leaching then some kind of action should take place or be looked into. Remember all this water in Shenango River comes from the lake, and that is fed from about 80% from Pymatuning.  
Wonder how often they test fish from all the different local waterways ?
Ever wonder where all that weed killer goes from those nice green lawns we have, or those weed less county corn fields. I'm sure all that spraying of chemicals doesn't hurt us one bit! 
2017/08/23 09:26:06
Not likely there will be advisory's on stocked trout. I am willing to bet we would hear the trout do not survive long enough to consume any of the contaminated mud dwelling critters so the trout will not be affected with PCBs above allowable limits.

ABOVE allowable limits???

The water is poisoned with a chemical that has been designated a carcinogen by association yet "allowable limits" of consumption are permitted.

If there is only assumption of how PCBs affect humans, than how in the hell can "safe levels for consumption" be set?

All testing of the chemical was with rats. I guess if a rat is able to tolerate a certain "level of contamination" with no ill effects, that level of contamination is safe for human consumption?

Wait for it.......... What person would participate in a study eating contaminated rats?

But seriously, the contamination is real. The danger is there. I just hope the problem isn't being used
by the PFBC as a excuse to stock what fish they want to be in our waters.

Can't stock preferred fish (Walleye) but it's OK for thousands of trout a couple times a year.

I rest my case.
2017/08/23 09:41:23
Captain, regarding your question on agriculture herbicides. I wonder the same about the aquatic herbicides and the excuses for it being used in such concentrations over such a small area.
2017/08/23 10:29:21
Walleye jigs
The excuse you mentioned is the exact one we were given when it became known that Canonsburg dam was full a PCB.
2017/08/23 10:59:55
Jigs I see the excuses as "crying wolf".

Eventually people turn a deaf ear.

Another excuse may be to stop the trout stockings. There have been comments by the PFBC saying cut backs in the trout program are expected.

I know my comments about Arway's pet SOS program fall on deaf ears but folks should study, the history of that program especially the "scientific studies" conducted and, Arway being railroaded into his position.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least to see major dredging on the Mighty Susquehana so those big bass boats can navigate from one end to another.

That will cost a pretty penny and for a long time.

Ooops..... rambling again, damed old timers disease.😏
2017/08/23 22:22:04
I wonder how many fish they test ? If I tested one that was 10X's the acceptable level I would have to test a few more just for general purpose . Would like to hear more on the testing procedure and where was the fish exactly taken from on the river. The dam to New Castle is a long stretch maybe 30 miles of river. 

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