2017/08/21 21:30:15
Now that there is dam scary, I don't care who you are.

So much for Shenango River trout stocking... Eh 😏

Arway must need additional resources for his pet SOS project. Sorry, just thinking out loud.
2017/08/21 22:04:25
Kokanee Killer
read the article   10x the norm is quite alarming   especially in the stretch mentioned     has to been a long term polluting source somewhere in that stretch  pcbs settle in the sediment on bottom and once in ..... there   its pretty much permanent,,,,,,,,,,,,, buuuuut on maybe a little more positive note   im not a fisheries biologist but i have jus as much knowlege as them... FACT ,,WHEN THEY TEST FISH FOR PCBS MERCURY ETC,,  they take the whole fish grind them up and get the results.....meaning  most of the contaniments build up in the brain fatty belly meat and organs...... well dont know bout you but i dont eat fish heads or entrails.... cancers and other sicknesses dont usually aquire in lean tissue aka  trimmed fillets  so  guess consume at your own risk
2017/08/21 22:16:57
Fish advisories have been posted for the Shenango River for as long as I can remember and it's always been about PBCs.

Maybe this is a good sign and the PFBC is going to actually do something in the next century.

Until then, I'll be more concerned finding PFBCs in our fisheries.

I do wonder at times, is PBCs found in aquatic herbicides? Nahhhh
2017/08/22 00:28:28
Wonder if the 13,000 gal oil mix spill that happened back in 2015 out of duferco has anything to do with it. That's a big jump for a river that has little industry on it anymore, comparetively speaking.
2017/08/22 09:24:56
Wonder if the 13,000 gal oil mix spill that happened back in 2015 out of duferco has anything to do with it. That's a big jump for a river that has little industry on it anymore, comparitively speaking.

 Sure is a big jump ! Wonder why it doesn't kill fish if it's that toxic . Like you say not near the industry as years ago. Plus it was dredged in Sharon and tons of bottom sediment taken out .
I know the old dumping grounds are up on the hill but have been closed for many years. I'm sure that all seeping into lower areas such as the river doesn't help years later, but that's also above all our drinking water in Shenango Valley ! Those dumps were run with very little monitoring years ago, anything went in as long as you paid, especially after dark!! I know I had a friend that worked there 45 years ago .....dang shame what went on ! Erie and all the Great Lakes have warnings on eating fish in very limited amounts same reasons .
....and businesses and industries wonder why government regulations come about ?
Total abuse for profit over human welfare in many cases....pitiful and shameful !
2017/08/22 09:27:04
So I'm not a fish biologist, but how did the river get contaminated with PCBs up near the dam?  Especially the area from the bridge where the old gun range is (was) up to the dam?  There was never any industry up there to pollute the water!?  
Of course I imagine they could be  considering the fact that  the fish could migrate up river from the polluted areas to that stretch of the river??  **** shame
2017/08/22 09:42:05
Good question Shenango. I'm not familiar with industry down river of the lake. Certainly the oil would have been tested for PCBs which is quite possible.

I've not heard of any ongoing test results in the the area of the spill or downstream thereof.

We're told the PCBs collect into the mud where it is picked up by all sorts of critters. The fish feed on the critters becoming contaminated and the PCBs will continue to accumulate over time.

I would like to hear, how the numbers jumped so drastically. If PCBs accumulate over a period of time through the food chain how much time passes between each test?

Unless there is a answer with the new math taught in today's schools the last I knew should not we have been seeing 2X 3X 4X etc. along the way?

I suppose new test methods are now availabe or perhaps like the NWS the PFBC now uses a new language only they understand.

I believe such toxic material exist, I believe such advisories are important to the people but most of all, I believe such information, to be exploited as scare tactics, to further the agenda of someone or some group.

Gotta run, I need to find some report issued by some group or person regarding August being much cooler than average.

PS. Could there be something behind the question "where have all the Walleye gone"..... who knows?

Tight lines and good times.
2017/08/22 09:57:16
Walleye jigs
Any drilling or convoys of tanker trucks??
2017/08/22 10:43:35
It could be something as simple as this year's weather. Heavier rains causing higher river flow washing more of the bad stuff into the water.
As for pymie sunday I spent quite a while trolling around in the new boat to get used to it being a tiller instead of remote steer and I'll say the size of bait schools I was seeing were impressive. I did mark a ton of bigger fish all over the water column not far from the schools but couldn't buy a bite to save my life!

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