2015/10/22 13:10:56
Got in Sat evening -snowing and 1/4 inch hail when I went to Topps for groceries- temps low 30s.
Sun- flurries and did wet leaves all day-temps low to mid 30s-
Mon- more of the same till late afternoon.
14 work hours on wet leaves-arugggggh.
Snowed 6 to 9 inches in nearby Mexico.
Mon nite- warmer temps- rained all night- of course - its Pulaski.
Tues -rain in Am so started late- worked mid river for hours - ZIP
That afternoon went up river -not the zone - hit great king action fishing behind a thin conga line up to their waists along a deep bank-I was bout knee deep with a nice wide 150 yard run all to myself with some nice pockets.
Tues night- rain -of course
Wed early AM -rain-went to the same area to many more fishermen- good news travels fast.
Hit some real good Steel action till about noon- more rain.
I bugged out.
Best fishing have had in a while- got some releasing done and played a few- tried breaking anything but fair hooks.
Even got to actually see some hits.
Might be back next week- considered myself to be very lucky to have hit a bunch in this generally poor year.
2015/10/22 16:58:21
Good deal! Payback for all that leaf removal.  Doesn't sound poor at all.  What was your weapon of choice?
2015/10/22 17:37:45
Didn't know you got up here RG so here are a couple pics I took thinking of you


Just in case you were still wondering about leaves falling.
Might have to put away the poly tip and give up swinging for high sticking.
PS   you had better luck than I've been having.
Couple more kings today.
Can't find a real fish to save my tuckess!
2015/10/22 18:39:23
Charlie the first day was Kings for the most part with the 11.5 ft Switch and 10 lb leader- kept breaking at the hook.
Second day was mostly Steel, went with a 9 ft 10 wt Triple Fork and heavier leader-shoulda been doing it just the opposite but ya never know what species is gonna be there lol.-
Using a #8 blue or purple fly with orange heads  and/or bodies and some sparkle in the hackle -have found that to be very effective on Kings as well as Steel and sometimes Hos. 
Kind of an all round choice for me.
 Kings were a nice mix of fresh and older fish. Some were surprisingly aggressive considering the time of year and how far up they were. Think many may have made it up there with little harassment considering the limited  numbers of fisher folks around. Have rarely found them so cooperative. Some of the male Kings were real respectable fish.
See PM
Sent to you and 2BOB.
2015/10/22 19:01:43
Thanks ,Trev. Great report.
2015/10/22 20:32:47
Bob- I was shocked at Kiddie with so few guys around- only drove by once with a dozen or so.
Is it the fish or the time of year- Kind of always fish right through Nov and was under the impression of more guys that that being the norm.
Heck- see more guys there in Feb.
2015/10/23 03:55:22
Cleared out this week RG.
It has been a zoo till this point.
Still the 0 dark got my spot for the day crowd.
Been mostly farsing about and then starting around 9 myself.
2015/10/24 10:38:12
Goin nuts and gotta get back up very soon----
Also startin to clear the house for the sale-
Next year fewer trips but more fishing time, no chores when you are at motel and eating out   lol.
IMHO there about 2 things now for kings--Deep holes full of line shy fish and folks casting away or a few here and there in transition requiring lots of jumping around to find them.
Either way GOOD LUCK.
Steel are where ya find them now and frankly didn't  notice any Hos last week -but hoping.
2015/10/24 10:54:23
Haven't seen a fresh coho since that early push.
2015/10/24 11:11:47
They did the same- for the post part- last year too.
Used to find them into Nov up where I like to go but even in those couple of 'big run' years they seemed to stay low and then disappear. More cookies too.
A few years back there were fresh dead Hos in Kiddie in February.
The Lake conditions aint helping----

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