Got in Sat evening -snowing and 1/4 inch hail when I went to Topps for groceries- temps low 30s.
Sun- flurries and did wet leaves all day-temps low to mid 30s-
Mon- more of the same till late afternoon.
14 work hours on wet leaves-arugggggh.
Snowed 6 to 9 inches in nearby Mexico.
Mon nite- warmer temps- rained all night- of course - its Pulaski.
Tues -rain in Am so started late- worked mid river for hours - ZIP
That afternoon went up river -not the zone - hit great king action fishing behind a thin conga line up to their waists along a deep bank-I was bout knee deep with a nice wide 150 yard run all to myself with some nice pockets.
Tues night- rain -of course
Wed early AM -rain-went to the same area to many more fishermen- good news travels fast.
Hit some real good Steel action till about noon- more rain.
I bugged out.
Best fishing have had in a while- got some releasing done and played a few- tried breaking anything but fair hooks.
Even got to actually see some hits.
Might be back next week- considered myself to be very lucky to have hit a bunch in this generally poor year.